Plot holes ...

Hanne May 4, 2017 2:23 am

I find it interesting how many people comment about the plot holes in this story, so I thought about the many stories and manga that I have read, and each of them have plot holes. It is a representation of how people think to find plot holes in stories, and to pick apart and critique things we read/watch. I personally don't mind plot holes, because then I can insert my own narrative into the gaps, find my own reasons for why a character does what they do, however irrational my own ideas are. It does create a lovely discourse when there is a forum as open as this one is to allow readers to discuss their interpretation and point of view of a work, something that I really miss when I read a novel.

    Reality bites May 4, 2017 11:19 am

    That is very true , a book can't share ideas with you.

    LadyLigeia May 4, 2017 12:21 pm

    Not all 'plot holes' are really what they seem. They might be plot devices to allow the readers to immerse themselves better in the story and to allow them to identify with the characters. Sometimes they are an artful way to keep readers interested in the story. For example: Who is really Asami? What are really his feelings?
    example 2: Who killed Laura Palmer?

    Anonymous May 4, 2017 6:24 pm
    Not all 'plot holes' are really what they seem. They might be plot devices to allow the readers to immerse themselves better in the story and to allow them to identify with the characters. Sometimes they are an... LadyLigeia

    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :(
    I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years.

    LadyLigeia May 4, 2017 6:43 pm
    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :( I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years. @Anonymous

    Yeah, it might be hard after 12 years or more. The problem with this story isn't the supposed 'plot holes' but its sloooow slooooow pace. I understand people's annoyance.

    tokidoki May 4, 2017 11:44 pm
    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :( I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years. @Anonymous

    I have only been reading for a couple of years, but I read novels that can take years to get the next story, such as one series that started in 1993, and just released the next in the series ... 25 years to follow a series! (⊙…⊙ ) (okay I did not start reading it in '93, but still...)

    Anonymous May 5, 2017 4:58 am
    I have only been reading for a couple of years, but I read novels that can take years to get the next story, such as one series that started in 1993, and just released the next in the series ... 25 years to fol... tokidoki

    Wow! are you talking about asoiaf series? That's right we're waiting for Winds of Winter to come since 2011 but at least plot is moving in that one. I don't expect new chapters every week from Finder, I just want plot to move.

    tokidoki May 5, 2017 5:14 am
    Wow! are you talking about asoiaf series? That's right we're waiting for Winds of Winter to come since 2011 but at least plot is moving in that one. I don't expect new chapters every week from Finder, I just wa... @Anonymous

    Nah, the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series ... 27 books on (10,000 pages!) and the mc has only developed a little bit - other than the fact that she started out as a woman dedicated to monogamy, and now juggles 30+ men and is trying to compete with 50 Shades in terms of BDSM. The series started well, with no expectations of smut and now seems to be half porn and a little story. The early books were great, but am getting a little tired of the characters and story lately.
    I have read most of asiof, but kind of got bored with all the my favourite characters being killed off. LOL

    Anoni Grrl May 6, 2017 1:36 am
    Nah, the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series ... 27 books on (10,000 pages!) and the mc has only developed a little bit - other than the fact that she started out as a woman dedicated to monogamy, and now juggles... tokidoki

    Okay, I still hate read/hate skim Anita Blake--but to be fair, you don't have to look so much to find problems with those books--you just have to groan or laugh out loud when they smack you in the face. It's not like I ever expect it to be more than what it is. It's not even good BDSM, but...well, it's a train wreck.

    And that series clearly changed from how it was in the beginning.

    tokidoki May 6, 2017 2:05 am
    Okay, I still hate read/hate skim Anita Blake--but to be fair, you don't have to look so much to find problems with those books--you just have to groan or laugh out loud when they smack you in the face. It's no... Anoni Grrl

    For sure, I really enjoyed the first couple of books, now it just seems to be a venue for Anita getting it on with every Toms' Harry Dick, and still being immature and belligerent. Plus the author makes so many gaffes and bizarre storylines (her Merry Gentry books are like this too) and the mc is just the author herself. It is somewhat better written than 50 shades, but the author is losing steam because she seems to be afraid of letting her characters grow.