If you hate Jay you kind of also have to have some fault with shin.. their relationship was toxic from begin with and shin stated he liked that of Jay until he didn’t know if jay was a fed or gangster. You can’t hate on one thing and dismiss the other. Their whole relationship was sex and toxicity so why be shocked if that’s what’s gonna happen again.

It probably will and I get liking Gren once his behaviour was explained more (in the beginning it just looked like incest bait), but sadly the whole shtick is toxic shit and understanding of feelings through lots and LOTS of sex. I do like how they gave more story to Gren Shin truly loves him and would have loved a more in depth spin off of him
If they jump right into sex next chapter I will forever hate Jay as a character and this author for pleasing the horny ass people in the comments who hate Gren for "getting in the way of their ship"
Like I wont take a story seriously if the author doesn't, but it's been going well so far so I'll have some faith