
In short: 1) people complaining about what uploaders should upload 2) Horus is apparently a grapist 4) Seth being weak that they don’t want to read anymore (as if bro didn’t get his powers sealed) 3) Apparently pointing out people’s errors becomes a scandal. 4) people telling everyone to stfu- which they’re right.
Can we agree to disagree and move on? It's okay to have different opinions, that's just something humans do that makes us individually unique. Having a disagreement with someone's opinion is inevitable, and that's fine. We can dislike one thing about the story and still enjoy it the same way as having no complaints about the story and enjoying it. We can have disagreements and civil discussions without it turning into an argument. There is no right or wrong answer to an opinion because they're opinions, not facts. Everyone is valid to sharing their thoughts.
Also, I'd like to thank the uploader for sticking with us as long as they have. Thank you Jeyyy and everyone else who has contributed to translating and uploading this yaoi manga about gay egyptian gods. I appreciate you for sticking with us, even though we're just a bunch of strangers. And please, take your time. Your health matters too.