I binged read it and I may not be able to relay everything perfectly but essentially in the story it shows how he’s scared of dogs and doesn’t like to be near them. Essentially during his first rut (if I remember correctly) he doesn’t remember what happened and so his brother Grayson(again if I remember correctly) took advantage of that made told his he spend his rut with a dog

Plus Grayson tried to make Chase go to orgy's party for years, even though he didn't want it.
Honestly Chase is a victim and you understand better his brutal reactions if you consider that he has to relive the memory of the fear of his first rut everytime an omega fan try to force him to have sex with them by spreading their pheromones. It's no different from sexual assault for him, it makes him not in control of his own body, even worse considering you're with someone who has been traumatized very young at the idea of having sex. I can't wait to read his brother's story and see him beg for his partner's forgiveness after he screw up
Can anyone tell me what is about Chase Miller trauma? And you tell me in details