listen buddy, i dont generally care about what other people read, but when you got people complaining about fucked up stories while continuing to read them or even going into it knowing what type of story its going to be, its hypocrisy in a sanctimonious way.
i dont need to read the novel or spoilers to make this conclusion.
and i did in fact read your argument with jax.
the hypocrisy that jax was calling you out on is different than what i just described.
in your case, its about holding different/inconsistent standards towards shitty work.
its not wrong for jax to go through your account and "dig up dirt" to help their argument, if anything, what they found on your account just strengthens their argument and is the basis for it.
you dont have actual personal information on your reading account, so its not stalking.
the one thing i do agree with you on is that this story is not worth the time in defending, there are better stories jax could defend lol.

Again, you make me think that you're giving opinion on topics you shouldn't BC you're not even interested to know about what you speak about. Someone like you should mind only their business. And for your information, the comment section is for the readers to share their avis, good or bad. Some had dropped this story and say why, others may speak by principale bc what they see is not acceptable.
About the Jax topic, if you've read my comments, why are you saying these BS?
Or are you the kind to dig infos on someone as well? No wonder you see no problem in such behavior. when people put things on their profil, it's certainly not for people to collect 'dirts' on them during arguments. This is being stalker and coward, and you should be ashamed to condone behavior like this.
I'm blocking you for you to never participe in any of my issues here, anymore.
All of you weirdo's in the comments preaching are soooo annoying like bitch your no better than the people who like this story. In fact your worse. No one's forcing you to read it, stop making it everyone else's problem cause you can't handle something.