he was wrong for that yes, but clearly u don't understand how scary being part lf the community is, especially because of what happened to them before, he just didn't want sato to receive negative attention again as he obviously still feel guilty from the past. he kinda downplayed their feelings tho, and hurt their relationship in the process, but even mikami understood that, so how could u not? (not mad or anything, just coming from someone as part of the community, tho I am open about my sexuality, but it is easier to empathize than to judge them for how/what society made them think)

I think mikami empathized better because they're friends. Idk bcs me personally I've faced a lot of homophobia in the past and I know how scary it can be to be treated badly just for being part of the community but I wouldn't tell my friends to stop pursuing a relationship because they're gay. I guess the fact that queerness is more accepted here than in Japan also factors into that. Sato's choices are his, and it's not like Mikami's liking of sato was just immediately going to ruin his life.

I know it’s both your conversation Ponge and Sao but I would honestly agree with Sao. I am a girl with plenty of guy friends and some of them being gay — society is really scary. I know this generation has been more accepting compared to before but still, really scary so I can’t blame Akari when he just wants Sato to not go through what he’s going through.

but what I'm saying is that akari's approach of just "don't confess your feelings to sato at all." isn't right. The reality is that gay people will always exist and if mikami doesn't tell sato he likes him, he's still gonna like him. And guess what! Sato liked him too. There are other ways he could've gone about this. He could've waited for both of them to enter a relationship and have a serious talk with them or at least tried to talk to both of them about his experiences. I don't think he's evil for wanting to keep them safe, but he didn't handle it well. Society is scary, yes, but don't you think it'd be a bit less scary if instead of fearmongering to your friends and telling one of them that they're literally not normal for liking another friend, they had a serious chat and decided to have each others backs because the 3 of them are queer and therefore in the same boat? At the end of the day even if sato and mikami never got together, the fact that they DID get together pretty clearly signifies queerness. Even if they didn't date, they might've ended up dating other men, and they'd be in the same situation.
I'm ngl akari was such an opp
like????? imagine letting your internalised homophobia affect the happiness of people you consider close
crazy work
clearly it was fucking unnecessary seeing as how they got together anyway AND THEN HE GETS A BOYFRIEND "a man liking another man isn't normal" boo fucking hoo bro you have no right to ruin relationships with ur sad soppy backstory