This should've ended but the author keeps dragging the story. And I notice the art is getting boring as the story goes, it seems like a repetitive sketch it's as if the author is only recycling every characters movement and even their expression.
The novel side stories included the conclusion of the antagonists so it was still pretty important. This seems more like author added random drama since the antagonist’s ending was cut short
The novel side stories included the conclusion of the antagonists so it was still pretty important. This seems more like author added random drama since the antagonist’s ending was cut short chocobuun
I know honey, I was saying that she is including parts, since the novel has sides too. She cuted like 30% of the story and lots of important parts to everyone and decided to chance the end. THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THE ENDING OF THE NOVEL. So Maybe she is including parts right now. Honestly I feel like the Edith ending in the novel was not fair.
I know honey, I was saying that she is including parts, since the novel has sides too.She cuted like 30% of the story and lots of important parts to everyone and decided to chance the end.THIS IS NOTHING LIKE T... zetsubousenseii
I read the novel, including all the translated side stories. I don’t remember any of the recent chapters in both the main story and side stories. Unless it was such a small part that I hardly remember or they made new side stories for the novel. To me, all of the recent chapters are entirely new. There was no romance between the princess and the new guard, the new guard wasn’t even someone who became a guard- he just helped killian out with finding Edith and that’s his ending (he wasn’t even as nice as the manhwa changed him to be). Both killian and Edith should be at their own estate by now away from the duke and duchess. And the royal family hardly was involved with helping them punish lize, as it was known to be a strictly ducal household problem (so princess didn’t help Edith either).
The ending for Edith in the novel was what Edith wanted. She never cared for revenge, she just wanted a peaceful life and that’s what she got and chose lol.
I read the novel, including all the translated side stories. I don’t remember any of the recent chapters in both the main story and side stories. Unless it was such a small part that I hardly remember or they... chocobuun
I read the novel, including all the translated side stories. I don’t remember any of the recent chapters in both the main story and side stories. Unless it was such a small part that I hardly remember or they... chocobuun
I think they made it very clear that the artist changed the novel. And that's why the sides is different. it's not that hard to understand, or you didn't pay attention to what they wrote
I know honey, I was saying that she is including parts, since the novel has sides too.She cuted like 30% of the story and lots of important parts to everyone and decided to chance the end.THIS IS NOTHING LIKE T... zetsubousenseii
Exactly. From now on the artist is making her own story, with her sides. But different from the novel.
I think they made it very clear that the artist changed the novel.And that's why the sides is's not that hard to understand, or you didn't pay attention to what they wrote LuoBinghe
I’m a native English speaker. I read everything the person said. It could be their grammar or English isn’t their first language and that’s why I didn’t understand their meaning. What I said matches with what they wrote out. I guess you’re right that I possibly didn’t understand their meaning since it doesn’t make sense with proper English grammar.
In their quotes: “she is including parts, since the novel has sides too. She cuted like 30% of the story and lots of important parts to everyone and decided to chance the end. So Maybe she is including parts right now.”
Not once did that person say anything about artist and author. There was nothing clear whatsoever about that lol. I KNOW the author/artist changed stuff, I read the novel and manhwa, I literally just pointed it out. From the way they wrote their comment it sounded like that person did not read the novel side stories and is guessing they included novel side stories into the manhwa now. UNLESS they got the wrong word and meant to say ADD instead of included. Add and included can have entirely different meaning. That person also didn’t say anything about putting in NEW side stories. Realistically no average English speaker will properly understand what that person meant unless they have the same mind as that person and can magically fix the words and meaning.
I’m a native English speaker. I read everything the person said. It could be their grammar or English isn’t their first language and that’s why I didn’t understand their meaning. What I said matches wit... chocobuun
Honestly, what he said seemed very clear to me, you were the one who didn't even have the ability to read it well or understand it.
I’m a native English speaker. I read everything the person said. It could be their grammar or English isn’t their first language and that’s why I didn’t understand their meaning. What I said matches wit... chocobuun
And if this person knows that 30 percent of the story was cut, isn't it clear that he read the novel too? How old are you?
I think they made it very clear that the artist changed the novel.And that's why the sides is's not that hard to understand, or you didn't pay attention to what they wrote LuoBinghe
Anyways if that person didn’t want people to misunderstand, then they didn’t have to mention the novel at all. They could’ve simply said “the author is probably adding new stuff to the story.” That’s it. But they mentioned the novel’s sides, which has nothing to do with the manhwa’s latest chapters, which would confuse anyone what they mean.
Also idk if you noticed but the main story of the manhwa hasn’t even finished yet. There has been continuous “to be continued” at the end of every chapter. So it doesn’t even make sense to say “the sides is different” when the manhwa isn’t even on the side stories?? What I was talking about was potential FUTURE chapters separate from the main story. I thought the other person was thinking the novel side stories were being put into the manhwa right now, which I corrected. That’s all. Notice how the OG commenter says “this should’ve ended.” They also know the main story is still going on and being dragged out.
Anyways if that person didn’t want people to misunderstand, then they didn’t have to mention the novel at all. They could’ve simply said “the author is probably adding new stuff to the story.” That’... chocobuun
It's actually not that hard to understand. The artist cut important parts of the novel, changed the ending and is now making an original story. Which makes sense since she's already changed so much. Since the original story also has sides, it's normal that she's expanding and developing other parts and characters of the story. I didn't think there were people so stupid that they couldn't understand this in a few words.
I’m a native English speaker. I read everything the person said. It could be their grammar or English isn’t their first language and that’s why I didn’t understand their meaning. What I said matches wit... chocobuun
It's funny that everyone can understand what she said except you.
It's actually not that hard to understand.The artist cut important parts of the novel, changed the ending and is now making an original story.Which makes sense since she's already changed so much.Since the orig... zetsubousenseii
Don't worry, you already made your point clear. Some people are just stupid enough not to know how to interpret a text. Keep up the good work.
And if this person knows that 30 percent of the story was cut, isn't it clear that he read the novel too?How old are you? LuoBinghe
Not it isn’t clear because that percentage is just a guess lmfao. Let me ask, what’s your problem? Why are you so aggressive and defensive over my reply simply talking about the novel? Did you feel the need to imply my intelligence is lacking and insult me to get whatever point you wanted across? I’m trying to sort out misunderstandings and keep it to the manhwa/novel content. Yet you seem to really want to pick a fight.
Idk if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today or maybe you just get pissed 24/7 when it comes to anyone not having the same opinion as you on this particular story, but if you want to have a civil discussion about the story, ditch the insults and focus on the main topic.
It's funny that everyone can understand what she said except you. Karmilla
Damn who shit in y’all’s cereals today? Does it feel great to be naturally rude? I wanted to talk about the story normally as you can see from my very first two replies. Idk why I summoned y’all to be triggered over something that wasn’t that serious. And pretty weird you think “everyone” is you and one other person LOLLL.
It is pretty funny that you contradicted yourself by writing “interpret” showing that it isn’t clear at all and that you have to interpret it to figure out the meaning lol.
Not it isn’t clear because that percentage is just a guess lmfao. Let me ask, what’s your problem? Why are you so aggressive and defensive over my reply simply talking about the novel? Did you feel the need... chocobuun
hahahaha with your last sentence, you just proved your low intellectual capacity.
hahahaha with your last sentence, you just proved your low intellectual capacity. LuoBinghe
EXPOSING YALLLL: ヾ(☆▽☆) I see it now, I wasted my time with some fakes. I’ve seen y’all comments all over this site. Both you and @zetsubosenseii and maybe even @karmilla too. Are y’all friends or something and you like to join each other in internet arguments? Or did one of you create an account to just back yourself up and make it look like more people agree with you? Pretty suspicious that @karmilla just joined this site 2 days ago and the only thing that’s on their account is this story and replied in 2 minutes to y’all’s rescue.You can see the same thing happen in another argument yall got into with others.
Now onto @luobinghe and and @zetsubosenseii: Y’all have been in SEVERAL comments together and luobinghe has been 24/7 always agreeing with whatever zetsubosenseii says. I see BOTH of y’all get severely defensive and start insulting and cursing at others who don’t agree with your opinion. It happened in multiple other comments. People could simply be talking about the story and both of you guys would gang up on others and insult and curse at them right away, talking about how stupid everyone is.
PROOF: Luobinghe and zetsubosenseii insulting others/being rude unnecessarily to anyone who disagrees with them (And this is just some, there’s plenty more where luobinghe is seen in zetsubosenseii’s comments agreeing with them non-stop). In multiple replies, luobinghe comes following along commenting/defending on the same day and usually less than 10 minutes after zetsubosenseii made a comment.
- Anyways done with my detective work~! These people are either the same person or besties. Conclusion is that they’re both a bunch of rude mfs that have anger issues and freak out on anyone that has a different opinion than them. Their best way to win an argument is start insulting the person and degrading their intelligence! Watch out anyone who sees them and don’t fall for their fake asses again. Leaving this here so no one has to deal with y’all as soon as they see your names, for the sake of their brain cells. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
This should've ended but the author keeps dragging the story. And I notice the art is getting boring as the story goes, it seems like a repetitive sketch it's as if the author is only recycling every characters movement and even their expression.