Another very cute spoiler, from ch 26

Alice K. January 21, 2025 10:40 pm

Everyone needs to understand how cute they are. Im suffering from this knowledge and so should you:

In chapter 26, Chaejun and Seunghyun are taking a shower together, and they’re playing around teasing each other. Seunghyun dares him to spray him with water saying that he knows Chaejun won’t do it.

In the midst of that, Seunghyun considers his relationship with Chaejun, thinking that Chaejun seems really serious about him. He rejects his old hypothesis that Chaejun was faking insomnia and messing with him, thinking back on all the things he did for him, from always taking care of him and buying a bed for the two of them, and now believes that Chaejun is genuine towards him. And he wonders if it would be okay to be with Chaejun forever. Seunghyun then BLUSHES and smiles HAPPILY, concluding that if Chaejun is by his side for life, it would be okay and fun.

And ofc Chaejun being the troll that he chooses to be when he’s not being the perfect hubby, ruins the moment and sprays Seunghyun in the face with the shower head, asking Seunghyun why he thinks he wouldn’t do it lmao.

    Yellow January 24, 2025 11:17 am this the ending?hahah

    Alice K. January 24, 2025 1:40 pm this the ending?hahah Yellow

    No there’s more. I think ch 27 is the latest chapter so far. It’s just a cute moment I wanted to share