Correction: Ian first kill was David. Tj did not protect him because Ian was able to protect himself and not get caught. Tj ""helped"" Ian on his last kill but it wasn't really helping/protection at all, he used it to put Ian indebt/hold him down with money.
My thought: I hope Jo didn't save that man because I'm ready for his moral confliction. This is noir and Jo should be a character with balance flaws of a good person who hold dark motives (kinda like an in-between, like the mc from the equalizer)
I meant TJ protected him more like mentally by being someone to hold on not like really really protected, and like you said he has had bad motives all along.
I don’t find it convincing if Jo turns now into a very morally gray character, there hasn’t been really enough foreshadowing for him being THAT bad (helping with murder). They have showed his jealousity much though, so I can see that pushing him to a worse person, but if you really think his past it doesn’t make sense for him to turn into monster like Ian or TJ..
I have to reread this though I have read it only once and started when there were only a few chapters so maybe you have some point I have missed. I don’t think that will change my hope for Jo to be a good person though, I only like him when he’s nice :D
Jo’s character is going to be ruined for me if he doesn’t save that man. What is the point of Jo if he’s just a new TJ? This is happening all over again, like first time Ian killed a person and TJ ”protected” him. I am TJxIan shipper, but when it comes to JoxIan I want them to be a healthy pair, or not at all. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.