Rlly? I read alot of comics of this genre of people who start out as a commoner/lower class and either
1) work their way to riches and happiness cuz they kno the future
2) accidentally get to know the prince/duke/etc and fall in love.
3) I’ve honestly read a few where a noble woman chooses a commoner status for love/to escape the plot of the book/cuz owning a store was her dream/etc

(Im just gonna clarify) im not saying there arent classist comics. Remarried Empress is one i can think of off the top of my head that shows this stereotype with Rashta. But in all honesty after reading soooooo many comics in this genre i feel like its p common that the villaness is rich. Ive seen less comics where a commoner is the villain than ones ive seen where a rich person is a villain. (after the insane amount ive read i think its fair to say its not an overall GENRE issue imo, moreso kinda just an issue found in some comics in this genre.)
Made a thread about this classist trope: