Maybe Nakara is a place where rakashas have to pay for their sins like hell so the king of Nakara wants rakashas to stay there. Or maybe the powerful rakashas are sinners too but since they are more powerful they are tasked with punishing other rakas on behalf of the king. But since they left, other rakashas are tasked to bring them back. (Lmao idk but maybe that one talking rakashas said some truth)
The gluttony rakshasa and space rakshasa probably one of the highest beings in the top 8. But since the gluttony rakshasa can absorb others power, he may be one of the top 3 in the top 8 ranking. When they fight the duplicator rakshasa, the rakshasa can't copy both the space and gluttony rakshasa probably cause his level is not high like them.
I think in the past where the rakshasa first came to the earth, maru's dad may have met a kind (?) rakshasa. That's why he said that he need to follow him to stop all these things. But at the same time, the space rakshasa came and swallowed eden's dad. That's why his dad got trapped in the space area and the rakshasa started to pretend to be him.
The rakshasa that maru's dad found probably the one who told him that the gluttony rakshasa is powerful. That's why his dad is obsessed for maru to eat the rakshasa so he can protect other people. But since it happened during when he's young (and since he didn't live in the mountain anymore), he probably can't remember it. Once he starts coming back to the mountain, the gluttony rakshasa started to try to take control of his mind.
The fact that we know is that, if the rakshasa escaped the naraka, it is a sign of betrayal and thus will become the enemy of king naraka. I think both the space rakshasa and the rakshasa that maru's dad found the first time is a betrayal. I think that's why all the rakshasa tried to find maru when he began coming back to the mountain bcs he has some connections with that rakshasa
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