Love this chapter

Ahjin January 19, 2025 9:49 pm

To everyone saying "oh, this is so toxic" and "she's so insecure".... yada yada yada... I'm not saying any of this is healthy or secure (because it is not), but a lot of y'all are hypocrites. Y'all are the first to say mental health matters, but when a mentally unwell character is having very real destructive mental health struggles you all are so quick to say you feel second hand embarrassment, call her insecure, toxic, scary, a creep and a loser. Would you ever say this to someone with depression disorder, or anxiety disorder? While a lot of you may not know this but this girl is going through textbook examples of borderline personality disorder (bpd). This is a long life and life threatening disorder which is triggered through interpersonal relationships and extreme life long trauma. People keep saying "oh, I know this is exaggerated because it is fictional" but no! This is actually an extremely realistic depiction of what it means to suffer through this disorder and have it wreak havoc on not only yourself but also the people you love. Ultimately, yes she does need help and proper support. These are not acceptable behaviors by any means, but to see a character suffering through a very real mental health disorder and have only contempt for them is so disgusting to read. Y'all only care about mental health when it's neatly packaged and contained with a lil bow on top. I hope y'all get the help and therapy y'all judgmentally say this character needs.

    Kumquat January 20, 2025 4:16 am

    well said. tiktok is normalizing mental illnesses and mental health and it's good that awareness is coming up, but a lot of people just don't understand how serious and detrimental it can be. It's not just bed rotting or nervousness, it can rlly wreak havoc and make life super difficult. Things don't go logically because our brains aren't working like normal. it's a disability for a reason. So many people are still ignorant and can only understand if they go through it or have a close friend who is suffering from these illnesses.

    who’s the hottest bl top? January 21, 2025 1:15 am

    sorry bae i’m not reading all that rn (i still agree)

    who’s the hottest bl top? January 21, 2025 1:15 am
    sorry bae i’m not reading all that rn (i still agree) who’s the hottest bl top?

    read all of it and yeah i still agree

    chocobuun January 28, 2025 11:30 am

    The only thing is, I don’t remember the story ever saying she was diagnosed with an mental issue or disorder. I think that’s the huge difference between people’s reactions. Which is the reader self-diagnosing and actually knowing info that has the character specifically said to be diagnosed by a professional. Not everyone who’s like this has a disorder. There’s purely people who has trust issues due to past experiences. IF the story explicitly confirmed and said she had a disorder, people would’ve been more understanding. If the story did not confirm her having one, then it’s just an assumption that she has a disorder.

    Also take into account that her character is often displayed in MALE characters as toxic controlling exes for the female mc, and 99% of the time ppl hate the male character for acting that way. Not a single reader has ever been in defense of the man or come up with the possibility of the man having a disorder for why he acted like that.