Caught up with this on Lezhin.

kyra 23 May 3, 2017 1:50 am

Caught up to chapter 35 and it's SO GOOD but so filled with angst. It's really realistic too. I legit cried 4 times (I don't cry often)reading it because I can relate to it so much.
Never have I ever routed for two people to get together and stay together but this work illustrates how f*cked up society is...I wish I could share it but IDK how so whenever you can buy the chapters to support the artist.

P.S. if you want me to spoil let me know

    Starsandmetaphors May 9, 2017 4:51 pm
    Woah, I'm back. Another long one,another essay but it's cool! Here we go!26-29.......................So Simon taps Connor and wakes him up. Connor is surprised. Simon invites him in and makes him tea. Simon ask... kyra 23

    But seriously though, I don't know how to thank you enough for doing this for us! You are such a great person by taking the time to give us summaries. I've gotta say you've made my day several of times because of this, thank you thank you thank you!!

    Eduardo24 May 9, 2017 9:36 pm
    Woah, I'm back. Another long one,another essay but it's cool! Here we go!26-29.......................So Simon taps Connor and wakes him up. Connor is surprised. Simon invites him in and makes him tea. Simon ask... kyra 23

    Thanks fam

    kyra 23 May 11, 2017 3:50 am

    Going to finish the summary tomorrow guys after work

    Conor's honey May 11, 2017 4:51 am
    Going to finish the summary tomorrow guys after work kyra 23

    I actually read the chapter in raw, but not really understand it, so this is really helping me!!!
    Hope you post more

    ruth May 11, 2017 1:14 pm
    Going to finish the summary tomorrow guys after work kyra 23

    Thank you so much!!! (⌒▽⌒)

    凱爾西 May 12, 2017 12:39 pm
    Woah, I'm back. Another long one,another essay but it's cool! Here we go!26-29.......................So Simon taps Connor and wakes him up. Connor is surprised. Simon invites him in and makes him tea. Simon ask... kyra 23

    shit now im sad ┗( T﹏T )┛

    kyra 23 May 18, 2017 5:48 am
    shit now im sad ┗( T﹏T )┛ 凱爾西

    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!
    30-33 (we are still in the flashback)
    (still in flashback) It's the next morning and Conor has just woke up. Simon comes into the room. Conor stares at Simon. His thoughts are about how handsome Simon is and how he is happy to see him. Simon jumps on the bed and hugs Conor and jokes around, saying that he's going to kiss Conor in 3 seconds. Before Simon gets to 3, Conor kisses Simon. They make out and start having sex. While they are having sex, a news report about Pete flashes on the tv. It goes to the vendor who's watching the news on tv, someone breaks into his house, sneaks up and shoots him in the head. Then it fast forward two years later (still in a flashback). The band and their friends are sitting down waiting for their tv interview to air on tv. They go on to talk about recording the interview because Mona was going to be late. Gwati, her boyfriend and the other band member complains about her working all time--pretty much warning everyone not to ever date their friends. The interview comes on and they talk about how weird it is to see themselves on tv. Then everyone started to notice that majority of the interview was about Simon and their interviews were edited down. The camera pretty much focused on Simon's every move. Simon says that they didn't tell him that they were going to cut everyone else part. Conor calmed them down saying it was a good thing because most times the lead singer gets the most attention so if Simon is famous, so is the band. Mona shows up with Ronnie (this being the first time Conor has ever met Ronnie). They go into the kitchen for drinks and Ronnie says that she's a fan of Conor. Conor thinks that's weird because most people are fans of Simon. He's friendly with her, saying that she should come backstage after the concert. Simon comes over drunk, him and Ronnie stare at each other---saying something is off about her.
    --Next chapter, it's Christmas and Simon and Conor goes to visit Conor's family. They play games and eat dinner together. Simon and Conor overhear Conor's parents talking about him. Saying that he's happy and better, and knew that he would make it. Simon and Conor secretly hold hands. They have sex that night and they have to be quiet because Conor's parents still don't know about their relationship. The next morning, Conor's father is passed out drunk and they are conversing at the table. Simon gets a call on his phone, something happened to his stepmom. Conor and his mom are worried and asked if he wanted them to come along. He says no, his stepmom and him never got along and never acted like a family so it wasn't a big deal for them to come. Conor's mom remembers a time when Simon was a child and ran over to their house with no shoes on in the early hours of the morning. He was pleading for help for his brother, Gale who was being abused and dragged to the bathroom by his psychotic stepmom and she dyed his hair blond (she's clearly not all there). Conor's mom calls the police and they go back to Simon's house. The stepmom and Gale answered the door, saying that nothing abusive happened and Simon was lying so he wouldn't get in any trouble for sneaking out of the house. The police don't believe Simon, Simon begs and pleads for them to believe him--saying why would he sneak out the house in his pajamas and no shoes. He begs Conor's mom to believe him as his stepmom starts to bring him back into the house. His stepmom said she wouldn't punish him even though he was a bad boy with this evil look on her face, saying that he knows the kind of people she hates the most. Conor's mom stops Simon from going into the house. Believing Simon, she doesn't outright says she believes him, but says that she understands that boys are nuisances since she has a son and a nephew in her home and lets Simon stay with her family for a while. Conor was happy and said that he wouldn't be bored a home anymore. So, it goes back and Simon and Gale are attending the mom's funeral--not really looking sad to see. People are in the background talking, their father didn't come to the funeral, saying he had a conference however, that was his wife so he should have been there. Pretty much that he used her as a trophy wife. Gale was in the military abroad but recently got kicked around the time his mother died for doing something bad. Turns out the stepmom committed suicide, the same way that Simon's biological mom (the first wife) committed suicide.
    --Next chapter, Simon is back home and is in the studio making music. Connor brings him his favorite food. He compliments Simon on the music and saying that he got so much down. However, Conor senses that Simon is gloomy and wondered if anything happened at the funeral. Simon doesn't really talk about his family. Turns out, Gale and Simon had a really big argument after the funeral. Gale asked him why did he come to the funeral, was it because their father told him to go or was he in it for the insurance money. Simon said that none of that is true, he called Gale a disgusting human being who takes his emotions out on everyone else, he only came because it was his duty to come as a family member. Gale says that it's all Simon's fault that his mom is dead and he called him a coward. Simon mind starts to be flooded thoughts of what his brother said to him--the stepmom had depression especially about their father so that reason Simon believe she committed suicide. While Simon is in deep thought, Conor is talking to Simon about the song--but Simon didn't hear him. In order for Conor to get Simon's attention, he ask Simon if he wants a bj and he does. That definitely caught his attention and his concentration. Then it goes to Pete who meets up with his fellow piece of crap gang members. They joke about him being a wanted man and he feels miserable about not having any power and feeling unfulfilled about his life. The leader says he can work for him because all they have to do is stalk this gay guy and record him for his boss and they'll get paid. Pete looks at the tape and realizes the blacked haired guy--it's Conor and the other guy is Simon. The gang member ask if he knows him. He says yes, that it was a huge coincidence that he saw him again. He's elated and wants to go beat him up. The leader warns him, saying that they were only order to stalk them and shouldn't lay a finger on them until the person who is paying says so. He ask him why he hates the guy so much. Pete smiles, saying that they just have some old memories together.
    --So there is a party for a opening of a new magazine and the band is performing. The CEO/editor-in-chief gave thanks to everyone and people came up Ronnie congratulating her and her father who is the CEO of the magazine. She looks over at Connor who was sitting alone reading the T-Rex business card they were given. She was excited for him. Saying that T-Rex was a huge agency, yet Conor doesn't look to excited about it. She says if they get signed that he'll have to thank her with front row concert tickets because it is because of her letting them play at the party. She's a talker, she goes on about how talented he is and how famous he's going be and that he'll be the best guitarist. So they laugh about it and Simon oversees them and sees Ronnie get close to Conor. He doesn't like that of course. He's called back to see Kiev (I finally remember his name! Conor's cousin), who works for the company. Kiev basically tells Simon that the scouting agent only wants to sign him and not the rest of the band. He also says that even though he doesn't get along with Conor, he's not as talent. He knows that Simon doesn't want to play in small clubs anymore and that he should leave the burdens behind. It fast forward to later that night and they are having sex. Simon is being rough with Conor, Conor was telling him that he was hurting him. He goes slower, Conor asks him what's wrong and that they will always be together. Simon says that he'll never leave them or him. Then it goes to the T-Rex agency, they bring Simon's information to the racist CEO (I really don't like her). She asked about the other members and the scouting agent (who is her husband) says that she only needed a vocalist and the other artist were mediocre at best. She ordered them to draft a contract for just Simon (of course he doesn't know that this is happening). So the scouting agent leaves and gets on the phone with his mistress. Pretty much saying he's going to leave her once he signs on Simon. He also said it was a shame that they couldn't sign on the other members because they were really talented.
    I'll do 3 more chapters tomorrow!

    ruth May 18, 2017 8:18 am
    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!30-33 (we are still in the f... kyra 23

    Thank you so much!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    ruth May 18, 2017 8:23 am
    Thank you so much!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ @ruth

    And you are the only reason why I always keep going back here. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bukuroshe May 18, 2017 4:19 pm
    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!30-33 (we are still in the f... kyra 23

    You are an angel (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ thank you!

    Starsandmetaphors May 18, 2017 5:28 pm
    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!30-33 (we are still in the f... kyra 23

    I want Pete and that female CEO to die a very, verrrrryyyy slow death.

    凱爾西 May 26, 2017 4:54 pm
    Woah, I'm back. Another long one,another essay but it's cool! Here we go!26-29.......................So Simon taps Connor and wakes him up. Connor is surprised. Simon invites him in and makes him tea. Simon ask... kyra 23

    Connor and Simon deserve better. Love your narration, it helps me understand the story. I have access to the webtoon but it's in russian ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Nananina May 26, 2017 6:46 pm
    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!30-33 (we are still in the f... kyra 23

    Oh my you're great!! Thanks a lot..somehow it feels like im reading a m/m novel..which is very good

    kyra 23 May 26, 2017 6:47 pm
    Connor and Simon deserve better. Love your narration, it helps me understand the story. I have access to the webtoon but it's in russian ┗( T﹏T )┛ 凱爾西

    You're welcome. I haven't been home in a while, on vacation. So tomorrow, I'll be home so I'll bring it up to date. I read a new chapter whenever it comes out. Let me say, it gets worse before it gets better.

    melanie May 27, 2017 6:32 pm
    Okay, now I'm back. ( ̄∇ ̄") I had a super busy week so I'm sorry for the delay. I'm now caught up to chapter 38. But I'm going to start where I left off last.--another long one!30-33 (we are still in the f... kyra 23

    I need you know who you have a shrine in Chile. I admire you too much
    (sorry, I don´t speak english)

    Elis June 8, 2017 7:49 am
    You're welcome. I haven't been home in a while, on vacation. So tomorrow, I'll be home so I'll bring it up to date. I read a new chapter whenever it comes out. Let me say, it gets worse before it gets better. kyra 23

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    凱爾西 June 9, 2017 7:57 am
    You're welcome. I haven't been home in a while, on vacation. So tomorrow, I'll be home so I'll bring it up to date. I read a new chapter whenever it comes out. Let me say, it gets worse before it gets better. kyra 23

    yess I'll be waiting

    Anonymous July 3, 2017 5:10 am

    aún regreso todos los días a esta página con la esperanza de una actualización de sus resumenes... ┗( T﹏T )┛