I read the light novel , that's actually supposed to be Lily, I know shocking. But what I don't understand is why the artist made her so masculine, doesn't look like her at all...
I read the light novel , that's actually supposed to be Lily, I know shocking. But what I don't understand is why the artist made her so masculine, doesn't look like her at all... Kyoko510
OHMA what's why she was panting like that! My gut feeling was right but I was confused when I saw the dude. Like why was Lily panting right after that blackmask guy left. It makes sense now. Dang
I read the light novel , that's actually supposed to be Lily, I know shocking. But what I don't understand is why the artist made her so masculine, doesn't look like her at all... Kyoko510
Is there a chance they might be using like disguising magic?
Wait im really slow. Who was that guy at the end of the chapter? Was it the son Thane or what -0-?
It's also been a long time since I've read this