Hello, I need you to actually comprehend why the readers are upset because your observation makes no sense. Individuals who hate it when an MC ends up with a toxic ML would not hate an MC for not ending up with a toxic ML.
The readers are upset over how abruptly violent the blondie was towards him. They are not upset because the brunette chose not to be with him. They hate how violent the author made the blonde guy towards the brunette, he didn’t have to almost beat him to death.
They’re only surprised the brunette chose to not be with him because usually the authors throw common sense away and put them together. But it’s not a surprise in a hate kind of way, it’s in a good way because the brunette deserves happiness and the blondie dude clearly won’t be giving him that anymore.
I don't get y'all. Y'all always complain about an MC always ending up with a toxic ML in other titles, but when an MC decides to actually not go with the ML, y'all still got something to say. Omg make up your mind!