Ines’s freewill

StoryofMinglan January 19, 2025 2:15 am

This ch shows that Ines still has freewill which is an important aspect of human freedom. Ines has always chosen her own husbands. In the case of Emiliano, this ch shows she was warned that her path will lead to doom but she freely CHOSE to ignore the warning. Since freewill is important, the Apostle will not “force” her on the correct path. In the ch Anastasio even says:


I prefer the novel’s statement where Anastasio says “Sometimes there are children who do not do as I wish”.

It shows more clearly that he wants to help them but he also respects their freewill. So all he can do is warn those who are on the wrong path and pray they heed his words. It’s not like the Apostle delights in Ines’s suffering. If he didn’t care, why give her a chance to live again so she can fulfill her true path of happiness?

About her misaligned lives, the Apostle can see the future. So when he warns her he already sees the things she will suffer. It’s not the first time he has warned her either. Ines has never heeded his warnings and due to this, she fell into the crown prince’s hands. In contrast, just like he can see her future of doom in her misaligned lives, he can also see the future of who is the person who will bring her blessings and happiness on her true path of destiny.
