Stop your BS. I called you out for being a STALKER. What is there that you don't understand? What you're doing is stalking and 'digging dirt' on someone, bc unless you do that you can't win an argument with people. And even after doing that you're still in the wrong, but still claim you're right. The fact that I wasn't careful enough to make my lists private isn't an excuse for CREEPS like you to stalk readers page. You should really stop that shameful behavior of yours and learn how to argue with people on a fair and descent level.
The rest of your post is also full of BS. So if you don't understand my explanations on why I can't put a 5 on this work, do reread in details my topic.

Oh great here comes corny ass Saint Sebastian just seething over my post even though they have me blocked. By their own metrics they’re the one stalking me now since they’ve been all up in the comments trying to see if I was talking about them lol. All the “dirt” I found on them was voluntarily posted by them on the internet. How can you have been on this site for almost TEN YEARS and still not know how basic internet interactions work.

How reading the comment section is stalking you? Lol! Now I can't read comments?
I'm not going on your homepage on purpose like you to see what you're fucking doing and I don't give a fuck about your life. You're a shameless CREEP and need to be called out and to be blocked. Lol now you're gonna make people believe that they're all stalkers like you? Nope! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE in TEN YEARS to lure like that on people's pages to dig infos on them just to defend your sorry argument. How gross. You even went as far as my 10th page of reading list to find my rating on Cry, or better yet, beg, lol. I can't believe this.
Sayonara, Stalker, and don't bother to reply. As for me I won't.

As an uninvolved individual I just wanna point out that stalking means unwanted attention or harassment, also your roasts suck (⊙…⊙ ).
If you were to get "dirt" on someone that wasn't "posted voluntarily" that would be some kind of cyber security crime, correct me if I'm wrong (seems to be your niche).
Apparently the other person reads manhwas like this so it makes sense for them to have read your comment, therefore your argument of being stalked back is weak af.
I don't know if you have too much time or if you're own self-esteem is just way too low but stalking others is just pathetic and cringe.
Next time, don't call someone "corny", if you yourself write like some condescending ass geek that wants to sound smart while their arguments are not very well-founded. I might even mind my own business if you can do that.
Also MangaSanctuary, if you're reading this, I'm so sorry for lowkey stalking your homepage. I got mad curious. (btw giving Nerd Project only 3 stars is crazy but ok you do you(≧∀≦) )

I really don’t know how you can equate me going to their public lists to get a better grasp on where their argument was coming from to stalking. I never harassed them. I never “stalked” them. All of the “information” I so dastardly used in my arguments was voluntarily given. If they don’t want to held to the same ethical standards they’re trying (and failing) to hold manhwa authors to, then they should get off mangago. I went through their page so I could see where they were coming from. Idk, I guess the yaoi police is coming to arrest me or something. For the crime of literacy.

Thank you for speaking, and be careful you too. You may be the next person they're digging infos about. I think they also did this with Blackie, that's how they knew Blackie liked Non Zero Sum... I renounced because it seems they'll never get the notion of stalking or that what they're doing is harassing people... I guess, when someone has the habit to steal eggs from others that habit becomes so natural they can't grasp the vile aspect of it and that what they're doing is wrong.
If I knew one day I'll get this type of attention for such futile reason, of course I'd hidded everything, lol. Now it's too late :'D
Didn't knew that not hidding such thing was 'making it public' for people to 'grab dirt' on me.
I've dropped Reverse Thinking, but still visit the com. section to know people's avis on that type of work. If this work becomes popular, we may see a shift in the bl genre.
About Nerd Project, I think I put 3 bc the mc had sex with his gf and I was disguted by all the used condoms. It's futile, I know, and after that I forgot to change the ratings. I'll change it to 5 since I really like the story over all, and the art is just beautiful.
No worry, I also sometimes go visit contacts and friends here, even rondom people out of boredome, to find new titles to read. But never out of bad intention, more to put +1 to people, but yes it's rare. Curiosity is natural, but digging dirt is a different matter.

For people like you, being anphabete is certainly better for society; you clearly don't know how to use your litteracy for good purposes.
Didn't know that you own Mangago. Lmao.
You may enjoy that stalking tendency of yours while it lasts, bc I'll try to do something about that matter. I'm sure the site didn't make the settings this way for people to have malevolent interactions with each others like that. The worse is you still are proud of what you did and feel no remorse at all. Hopefully vast majority of people can argue with each other without resorting to underhand tactics just to defend their opinion.
Also, how can you compare Cry, or better yet, beg (9,2) to Reverse Thinking (8,1)?
How can you not see the differences?
Are they in the same category of genre, sub genre? How was treated the problematics posed by the scénario, was it pertinent?...
Both have controversial content, but did I say that rape were the cause why I've put a 5 to one and less to another? I wouldn't be reading bl if I flinch to every rapey story.
A story isn't reduced to the fact it contains rape or not, or how many times it occurs or if it was a gang rape... There are other criterias and parameters to judge a book. People can also change their opinion, ratings, once the story is finished.
Didn't I say that the intend of the author to add beastiality to Rev.Th. was the ultimate reason why I'm dropping the reading, yet you're still here to speak about rape. Both mc and ml have violated each other and made people violated the other, they're both disguting by that standard, what do you want for people to say?
You want for people to pity more Jiwook or Juyeon? I'm sure we all feel bad for both and are mad to both for treating the other like an object, I'm sure many would root for them to find solace one day in a way or another, but def not for the story to take that route.
It has potential, but infortunately this was exploited for nothing but morbid porn. Plus adding a dog...??
You enjoy morbid porn? Good, but don't ask for the average people to adhere to it.
Other major reason why it got a lesser ratings is bc of all the plotholes that story contains, that for me shows furthermore that this plot only serves porn and has no other intentions.
It has the audience it has, though you can't be surprised for it to not make to the greater public of bl.

Wow you went back on your word about “not replying” so fucking fast lol. Anyways, there is very little you can contribute to the argument with all that blathering. At the end of the day you went on a tirade about how the illustrator is wasting her talents and is a bad person for working on this project because of its themes. I pointed out that you also liked a manhwa that ALSO romanticizes fucked up themes. It’s not a matter of severity. If you’re going to castigate someone for fucked up elements while happily consuming something that contains those same elements but is slightly less disturbing, it is no longer a matter of morals. It’s a matter of taste. And therefore you have no room to be passing judgement onto the author or illustrator. One more thing, you might as well unblock me if you’re going to be stamping your feet in my notifs trying to argue instead of committing to your block lol.

Also, that other person voluntarily admitted to liking NZS. It was a part of their argument. I don’t know how much of a hothouse flower you are to think bringing up someone’s fictional tastes in an argument about fiction = stalking. And the French jokes are a common trend online to rib French people for being too self-aggrandizing. It’s not racist and there is nothing that will make me feel bad for making fun of a country that still has colonies.

Idk wtf is going on but i also dont see how people dont understand that ops comment is also weird af? Like they didnt need comment all this and make it obvious that they are talking about someone specifically in the first place. Like yes things can be public information but still be weird asf to go through.
Idk whos truly in the wrong here and i honestly dont care, i just think all of it is weird and idk why people are getting involved and shitting on someone and making jokes unless they have the full context? Like clearly this seems to go deeper than what we or at least I am seeing
Both of you log tf off and touch grass fr, stop doing this to eachother and in front of all of us here. If you have a problem with each other, sort it in dms in the first place, dont drag it across multiple comments on different places

Didn't you guys read at least the comments, if not, why are you involving yourselves in this?The point is they're going on people's pages to dig dirt' to defend their argument, here on Rev. Thinking, for ex. Pretty sure they've done this with Blackie as well, so this is clearly a pattern of them whenever they argue with people. They even went pretty far in my lists, lol. Acting like this is stalking, whether you guys agree or not.
Yes, this work isn't worth all their efforts to use sneaky tactics, say it louder to a certain someone.
You call someone out for shitting on this manhwa but doing tricks on a het manhwa that also glamorizes abuse and rape and they crash out and accuse you of stalking </3
People will harp on this series specifically for being baldly violent and you click on their profile to find more rapey manhwa. Everyone has a line they cannot cross in fiction, but I feel like once you start accusing an artist of heinous shit IRL you need to hold all the others to those same standards. Literally: “I can excuse rape and domestic abuse but I draw the line at gang rape”