Can someone just spoil me the update of chapter 20. Whats the current progress of their re...

PeachLightsaber January 18, 2025 4:51 pm

Can someone just spoil me the update of chapter 20. Whats the current progress of their relationship. I dont understand the raws

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! January 18, 2025 11:51 pm

    Duh, you're not supposed to understand the raws because you don't understand the language!! That's why you must wait for the English translation like the rest of us!!

    cocoa puffs January 19, 2025 3:10 am

    So basically spioiler warning cause idk how to do the whole spoiler tag thingy

    Mr business guy is jealous of mr reporters relationship with mr coffee shop guy and says he wants him only to himself, then follows him to his house cause he ‘needs to make sure he didnt invite anyone else over’ lol and accuses him of only liking his body. Then they do the dirty

    winter February 8, 2025 8:08 pm
    So basically spioiler warning cause idk how to do the whole spoiler tag thingy •••••Mr business guy is jealous of mr reporters relationship with mr coffee shop guy and says he wants him only to himsel... cocoa puffs

    Wasnt he the one who set boundaries
    Bro mr business guy is weird bro