Yeah so I guess it didn’t occur to you that people other than the ones you’re arguing with can go and dislike your posts. The fuck you mean cyberbullying? I saw your lists (that are public) and told you that disparaging this author yet bootlicking a het story that’s also filled with romanticized rape and abuse is hypocritical. Bisous!
It occurs to me of course, but I don't see any other person than you at that moment, at the hour precise who could dislike ALL my posts besides you. It was just after you told me how could I rated 5 a certain work, that I saw someone has done this to my posts. If it's not stalking when you go ON PURPOSE to get infos on someone you're having an argument of the day with, and disliking their posts, then how should we call that? A friendly visite? Lol.
I wasn't specifically accusing you for the cyberbullying (reread my post), though this is what you do here by stalking me and do what you did.
You're nothing but a sorry liar and a pathetic loser. You can keep your 'bisous' for yourself
I prefer to bootlicking the author of Cry, better yet, beg than bootliking the author of Reverse Thinking, who's filled their work with not only rape, but also torture and beastiality! How awsome of you to defend such author who shows they're enough fucked up in the head to show they have no limits.
If you want to play that game, we can but I'm afraid I'll only reveal your bad sides
omg i had the exact same thing happen to me. they made two new accounts to try and harass me bc i blocked their main. but i dont think it's jax that was doing it. at least, not in my case. sorry youre going through this though ! just remember it shows on their character, not yours. nothing is ever serious enough to go to those lengths. just keep blocking and ignoring
So I had an argument with Jax (or whatever their name will be), that individual who's been guarding that comment section like if it belongs to them.
They've been messing with people who have a negative opinion on this story.
While they're losing the argument, they went to stalk my homepage to dig dirt on me, till they eventually found a 'controversive' title, Cry, or better yet, Beg, rated 5 by me. All in the intention of coming back at me and shame me for the Josei.
Not only that, they also 'distributed' dislikes to ALL of my topics, to retaliate.
This shows that Jax can't have a fair argument without resorting to coward means like that, although this behavior is being a loser.
The fact that I could rate 5 a work like this Josei proves that I generally can tolerated and have no problem with controversive contents. In the biginning I also rated 5 Reverse Thinking, till I couldn't stomach it anymore knowing where it's going. Some boundaries have been crossed, and crossed too far; the beastiality that author had intended to add in the plot was the red line for me.
The violence depicted in here is not motivated by desir of possession nor love, or revenge, but only to show morbid, deshumanizing porn in its most grotesque forms. What could that author add more to make this more gruesome? Scato, cannibalism...?
How could you expect for people to like such thing?
Mangago should change the settings to make the profil of readers private, allowing only friends and contacts to access their page. This could prevent stalking as well as cyberbullying.