He didn't have any sexual interest in him though? That's not really grooming he's just a shitty person. Obviously he shouldn't be doing any of this and clearly wants to ruin his life but it still doesn't mean he deserves to be kidnapped and raped (of course we still don't know what he does after this though)
Just to be clear I don't care about either of these characters and am not emotionally invested in this fictional story at all but still don't think he deserves what happened to him.

You don't have to be sexually attracted to someone to groom them.
It's like how you don't have to be sexually attracted to someone to rape them.
It's about power and control for abusers. What Raymon went through before meeting young Winter was fucked, but he knew there was something deeply wrong with the kid and proceeded to abuse him and expose him to sexual violence whether willingly or not.
During this flashback he's mad that Winter isn't reacting the way he wanted him to 'cause he thought it'd be entertaining watching someone break and fall deeper into despair than he currently was. Raymon wanted to hurt someone more fragile than himself. Push him past the boundaries and really break Winter.
Well, he got what he wanted in the end. Winter broke in the worst way imaginable and now Raymon is reaping the seed he had sown himself all those years ago. I feel no sympathy for him treating someone so young and traumatized like that.
Ya'll are only combating what is happening now to Raymon as "but rape bad" when what he did to Winter was astronomically worse. Winter was robbed of having a normal life before he ever met Raymon, and he's the one that made sure he never will.

It's 'cause most people deem what is wrong or not based on their own flimsy beliefs instead of looking at it from an objective pov.
They see Winter rape and confine Raymon and think nothing can excuse that. Even tho Ray groomed and abused tf out of Winter when he was younger and clearly vulnerable. Raymon knew something was wrong with Winter from the first time he saw him and planned to ruin him even further. He wanted there to be someone more miserable than him and he used his own hands to do so.
Tbh, as a victim of csa and a couple other incidents, if I found out any of my abusers were raped I'd probably give a standing ovation and drink a glass of wine to it.
Raymon is only suffering the consequences of his own actions. If he had just left Winter alone and sought help they could've had a clandestine meeting where Raymon could help Winter recover from his own trauma. I have no sympathy for him.
Wow, he is trash through n through. I felt sad for him at first. Now, feel disgusted that I "felt sad" for him.