This story is so interesting, literally got 2 notifs for like 60 more manga/webtoon, yet i...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream January 17, 2025 1:44 am

This story is so interesting, literally got 2 notifs for like 60 more manga/webtoon, yet i only read this one, the only one that's managed to keep my interest, it isnt cliche, idk what will happen and i actually want to know, it feels pleasant, like it's a gopd thing to know, which it is, unlike the others where they stress you and try make you cry or whatever, always the same senseless sh, this one right here is so different, yet he still has many challenges, but it just seems like he's the type who'll take it easy, one step at a time, progressing slowly and well, and he doesnt need spotlight, when he's got to hidd he's doing it well, so good seriously, he's just mature finally! An actual adult, yay! And the relations with the girls arent forced, like with Lucy, she simply spends her time with him, they respect each other and their boundaries, doing their own thing, feeling peaceful, passing some time together, each with their own things to deal with in their minds, haa ofc lets be for real, Ed would be popular irl, he's the type of guy i'd want to, so it's not surprising they like him, it's natural, he is loveable. He's caring, respectful, mature, super healthy, intelligent, does his best, hard worker, he's driven, provides for himself for his survival even when the odds were against him, he's so good, such a cool, calm amd collected characted haa~~ i justifying being a simP? Highly probably, i have been lacking sleep for days TwT good niight
