This was quite beautiful, the pacing was too fast however and lack some depth. It's sort of casual yet also not, lukewarm due to it. But what's really poking my conscience is that the bottom looks like a child, like a little boy while the seme fully adult, or at least adolescent perhaps. I wouldn't say this one was bad, i could read it through one sitting so that's something, I could appreciate the 'fantastical' vibe, the 'love conquers all'.
This was quite beautiful, the pacing was too fast however and lack some depth. It's sort of casual yet also not, lukewarm due to it. But what's really poking my conscience is that the bottom looks like a child, like a little boy while the seme fully adult, or at least adolescent perhaps. I wouldn't say this one was bad, i could read it through one sitting so that's something, I could appreciate the 'fantastical' vibe, the 'love conquers all'.