So judging off authors X it looks like in 107 taewhan has a play and I’m not sure if blondie (I forget name attends), taewhan looks angry. I’m pretty sure they do bc blondie and taewhan talk, there’s a red background(curtains?) blondie is crying, taewhan looks emotionless. 110 they walking together, looks like taewhan doesn’t wanna look at blondie, while blondie is looking up at him. 111 they finally hug, blondie looks surprised then also happy tears. 112 they in bed together, blondie is crying and taewhan has his arms wrapped around him. His expression doesn’t look happy, he’s not smiling, more looks concerned. But taehwan is sleeping . They are both clothed so I don’t think they have sexy time. Author says “it feels like the end is near…”
So judging off authors X it looks like in 107 taewhan has a play and I’m not sure if blondie (I forget name attends), taewhan looks angry. I’m pretty sure they do bc blondie and taewhan talk, there’s a red background(curtains?) blondie is crying, taewhan looks emotionless. 110 they walking together, looks like taewhan doesn’t wanna look at blondie, while blondie is looking up at him. 111 they finally hug, blondie looks surprised then also happy tears. 112 they in bed together, blondie is crying and taewhan has his arms wrapped around him. His expression doesn’t look happy, he’s not smiling, more looks concerned. But taehwan is sleeping . They are both clothed so I don’t think they have sexy time. Author says “it feels like the end is near…”