I would like to. But I only know English ╥﹏╥ and my native language so I'm no help there. :(

I'd totally do that. The only request I have is, that some other person does the cleaning, typesetting, etc...

I'd totally do that. The only request I have is, that some other person does the cleaning, typesetting, etc...

My job is pretty stressful at the moment. If we should really go through with it, I could start translating at the end of July...

omg i wanna read it ;0;
I own physical copies of the manga I can scan if anyone wants to start translating this series (Inquire at @likalaruku on Twitter. I will only send once chapter at a time & release the next upon completion of the chapter).
I've been wanting to be able to actually read this damn thing for 10 years, but every time someone picks it up, it gets dropped just as quickly.