Tf does that mean. Y'all need help. Coz what does less dark or more dark skin mean? she's clearly a dark skin character, tf is intensity of dark ess has to do with the representation. Get off the drugs and touch some grass. Your head is so far left, its almost parallel to the ground. Stupidity knows no limits yikes.

Are you dumb? Because your comment is so weird. As much as you have all kind of people of different skin colors in the world it's the same in fictional stories. My point is not the color but the consistency. For me it's weird to change the skin colour of a character from a chapter to another. But people love to read half of the story and diss you. Go sleep a little maybe it might help.

No need to pretend to be obtuse cause it just ends up making you look silly. I swear some folks will do some serious mental gymnastics around issues to pretend that they aren’t real and shouldn’t be addressed when people see it.
Colorism is a thing, not just in makeup, media, business, and so much more but, especially in manwha, manga, etc. Representation in this field for black characters has been dicey, and that’s putting it extremely lightly. It’s 2025. Everyone knows this. You know this. Gaslighting someone and pretending that’s it’s a lesser issue than it is? Instead of just replying just to reply, maybe start listening to different kinds of folks from all kinds of backgrounds who would like some representation too.
If the character is lighter that is something to address. If she’s not, then she’s not. It was a question, and if you’re not equipped with the knowledge and insight to answer the question properly, scrolling is also an option. Jeez…

Ik ur not replying to me directly but I'm just answering what u said in the last paragraph. She is literally the same colour, she just has a bunch of lighting done to her skin tone. When she was introduced her colours were flat but now she's a "real person" she has lighting to her skin. I'm just saying that the above comment is someone that is delusional because they couldn't even go back and compare.

If any of your replies were like " yo you dumb the color didn't change" i would take it gladly becausei were glasses lol. I'm a black woman, I like to see black characters in the stories that i read. I think it's cool. You are not obligated to like it. I don't understand why everyone is annoyed and pissed because of my first comment. Yall need to chill.
Is it me or the author made her skin less dark. I wanted to see a real dark skin queen, wtf why do this to such a pretty character