Great but absolutely fucked

Shinko_Love January 16, 2025 8:22 am

Binged this one in 2 days and holy smokes I was not ready for this! I remember first reading this when it first came out and this is not what I was expecting at all! Poor Cho ah only wanted to be a physician and help folks. Poor Mujin only wanted love!

On a real note though, this shit was fucked. It's a good read because it's not the usual fluff, heartfelt mushy love, it's the possessive and obsessive love. Mujin was so starved for it that he basically ruined any form of pure live from the beginning. Cho ah sadly wore his heart on his sleeve, making him the prey to all these monsters(Besides Jisung).

The ending is a whole entire thing itself. A lot of people didn't like the ending but personally I did. The feeling of impending doom, suffering, and empathy really gets me. I honestly cried at the end because of how unfair and torturous it was, especially for Cho ah. As I read it I could only hope that it was just a fucked off dream, but oh man.

Anyways, it's a good read! I really enjoyed it for the story and emotional damage it gave me! :D Though I only recommend it if you can handle heavy topics and scenes of gore and SA.

Safe reading y'all! o7

    peewee January 28, 2025 5:16 am

    Yes!!! I’ve thought of this too. I love and I’m sad for the both of them. Sura just can’t avoid his destiny as well. Now I want more of their modern side stories to wash away my sadness