Who is Horus the elder? I can't find any information about him. All I know is that he was ...

blue bird January 16, 2025 2:07 am

Who is Horus the elder? I can't find any information about him. All I know is that he was a sibling of the main 4 (Seth, crisis,iris and the other lady) but that's it. So who is he?Thanks

    Modao_ennead January 21, 2025 4:57 am

    HTE is someone from the past. Twitter talks alot about him. HTE stole an ‘eye’ from someone regarding recent chapters and Sekmets anger people are connecting it saying HTE maybe stole something from her or it’s connected.

    Horus may be a reincarnation of HTE and Seth and him were probably way connected back then. We all know that Seth and the others don’t exactly the their old memories. I’m assuming once they resurrected as “full gods” or something along the lines, they lost it

    In the real mythology Seth was a threat to Ra too because he was too powerful and HTE..must have been an interesting duo