
Hana - chan January 15, 2025 6:59 pm

read raws up to 66 which is the final chapter of this season
im just gonna summarize the main parts so basically juheon finds dohus compter screen with the memo on him after dohu falls asleep and accidentally leaves it open at the end of chapter 62. chapter 63-65 is about them arguing and juheon ghosts dohu for about 2 weeks if i remember and when dohu goes to his part time job, he finds out that he quit and then he finds juheon waiting for him at his apartment. juheon pretends that nothing happened and says he came cause he missed him but its clear something is wrong and dohu notices. he keeps asking juheon whats wrong and shit but he pretends everythings fine but then crashes out and finally ends up getting mad and saying u only approached me to use me and shit.

dohu admits it but doesnt apologize and tells him that he never told him because nothing good would come out of him knowing. juheon ends up grabbing him by the collar and then leaves while saying "if u trult have feelings for me then leave me alone and dont chase me/cling to me." they stop talking for a few weeks until chapter 65 where dohu goes to look for him at school because a friend asks him to pass along a business card that he got from someone who saw his play and acting and wants to recruit him, dohu asks until when hes supposed to not chase him and if theyre broken up. juheon answers that he shouldnt have asked shit like are we broken up but instead apologize for fooling him. dohu says sorry but juheon walks away and tells him not to come to him anymore for such bs.

then juheon visits his fuckass granpa who found out abt his fight at school and throws a cup at him and makes him bleed and tries to tell him to go abroad to nyc to intern, juheon rebels says no and basically tells him i aint doing shit bitch. his aunt ends up slapping him and juheon says fuck u too (he actually told her to stop doing this shit to get grandpas approval when she knows herself that she will never be able to and to get out of his shadow and live her life) but she then shows him a pic of dohu and threatens him that shes gonna take action. juheon, drunk asf, visits dohu and hugs him. with his head bleeding and cheek swollen, dohu asks him if hes ok but juheon tells him to stop pretending like hes worried. juheon kisses him and then the season ends with him asking dohu "hyung, be honest, when were you planning on throwing me away?"

    Amethyst January 16, 2025 9:09 pm

    That's actually so sad... If only Dohu just apologize and admit it wholeheartedly

    Hana - chan January 17, 2025 10:57 am
    That's actually so sad... If only Dohu just apologize and admit it wholeheartedly Amethyst

    yeah but we all know thats just how he is i think this conflict will be solved fast tho seeing how juheon came to him

    pinkbitch January 17, 2025 11:17 am

    Do you have the link where to read the raws? :”)

    pinkbitch January 18, 2025 3:26 am
    https://newtoki467.com/webtoon/26931962/%EA%B3%B5%EA%B3%BC-%EC%82%AC%EB%8A%94-%EA%B5%AC%EB%B6%84%ED%95%B4?stx=%EA%B3%B5%EA%B3%BC Hana - chan

    Thank you’

    shemi January 19, 2025 12:13 am
    That's actually so sad... If only Dohu just apologize and admit it wholeheartedly Amethyst

    As an autistic person, I don't get it - why does Dohu need to apologize? He did nothing wrong.

    He needs to clear the misunderstanding, not apologize. Because Juheon is misunderstanding his intentions. But why apologize?

    Some autistics have certain people as their special interest, and it's not in a romantic way. That's what happened to Dohu. But his feelings changed.

    If he didn't get hyperfixated on Juheon, he wouldn't have fallen in love with him. So why does he need to feel sorry?

    Also, why is it so bad to use other people and their stories as inspiration? You're not revealing their identity or anything, no one would ever find out it's about a certain person. So why feel angry about it? I don't get it.

    Telling Dohu to apologize, I feel, is kind of ableist.

    Amethyst January 19, 2025 5:38 am
    As an autistic person, I don't get it - why does Dohu need to apologize? He did nothing wrong.He needs to clear the misunderstanding, not apologize. Because Juheon is misunderstanding his intentions. But why ap... shemi

    I wasn't aware that he was autistic and should've understand his character thoroughly so I am rereading it again cause clearly I'm missing something, and it was not my intention to discriminate against him.

    Hana - chan January 19, 2025 8:38 am
    As an autistic person, I don't get it - why does Dohu need to apologize? He did nothing wrong.He needs to clear the misunderstanding, not apologize. Because Juheon is misunderstanding his intentions. But why ap... shemi

    how is telling dohu to apologize ableist? we apologize when we hurt other people, and clearly dohu hurt juheon. juheon felt hurt because he thought that dohu approached him without any intentions to use him like other people but then turns out that he did. u need to understand that people have feelings and they can get hurt, no matter what their true intentions are

    shemi January 19, 2025 9:56 am
    how is telling dohu to apologize ableist? we apologize when we hurt other people, and clearly dohu hurt juheon. juheon felt hurt because he thought that dohu approached him without any intentions to use him lik... Hana - chan

    I'm not sure yet if it's ableist or not, that's why I said it kinda just feels like it. I'm just processing my thoughts through this comment.

    The reason is because I view a hyperfixation as something pure without any ulterior evil motives. Dohu just genuinely liked Juheon, he literally said he liked him. He didn't lie. He genuinely likes Juheon. As an individual.

    Sure, Dohu was pushing boundaries and was over the top, but he never had any thoughts of using him and discarding him.

    Juheon got hurt because he thought Dohu lied back when he said he liked him. I need to reread this to be sure, but I think Dohu never lied to Juheon about anything.

    And it hurts me when people add ulterior motives to certain autistic behaviors, that is ableist. It happens all the time - we say something as it is and people get all hurt because they misunderstand something pure as something with bad ulterior motives and then they get hurt by something that was never meant to hurt them. They read between the lines instead of reading the lines.

    So I was just thinking that it's the same in this case, so it might be ableist? Why do autistic people have to apologize for being themselves all the time? Neurotypicals always demand apologies yet they never apologise to us when they hurt us. Only autistics are supposed to tiptoe around NT feelings, put in effort to mask and burn themselves out in doing so.

    Ans I still don't think Dohu should apologize and I wish he didn't.