mattias leila is a human being! and his mother should be ashamed of everything she says ab...

animebackgrounds January 15, 2025 1:27 pm

mattias leila is a human being! and his mother should be ashamed of everything she says about leila. i don´t get it under this time was it really like this in real life too? nobel people should be fucking ashamed for saying such things, they can go and eat horse shit.

i really want to know how this story is going to end, with a happy ending? in that case HOW and WITH WHO ? ( cause i can´t see how this is going to end happily between leila and a psycho ) or a sad ending? is everyone who has been so mean to leila going to suffer along the way?

    Dimension Breaker January 15, 2025 3:12 pm



    She ends up with Matthias. She's going to be abused and raped in every way possible and there's no actual redemption for Matthias he just gets away with it all.
    She just magically falls back even when she can finally escape cuz of war. Dumb I know and the ML suddenly gets to be a good father all of the sudden with no further explanation whatsoever just cuz he loves her. Wtf. A real modern tragedy.