I wonder what Kangmu would do

Epsilon January 15, 2025 6:17 am

Two random thoughts I had, but I wonder how Kangmu would react or what he would do if Kirin cheated on him or genuinely decided to leave. I know at some point he said if Kirin died he’d probably move on quickly and forget about him, in the ep he tried to kill him he told him to leave him, and in the last ep I think he mentioned giving Kirin the choice to leave and Kirin said no and he wanted to stay. It seems he would have very little issue with letting Kirin go, but it is confusing since he also wanted Kirin by his side in the beginning and still seemed in the side story to want to be with him?

As for cheating, in certain parts he seemed possessive of Kirin (when Kirin mentioned past sex, Kirin’s ex gf, etc.) and in others he didn’t, so idk. I also just wanna see wtf he’d do, for entertainment purposes and understand the relationship better.
Would he care? Would he kill whoever Kirin cheated with? Lmao
