maybe if you’d read my comments you’d see i hate placeboo and i hate lotus. i only read lotus to see him kill the top and i been dropped placebo. so how about assuming how about you use conmon sense and look at the comments. majority of bl mangas i read i have to drop bc of rape bc they almost always have it.

But I don't make fun of these mangas... I don't call others freaks for reading it and I don't make topics telling everyone what their preferences should be.i read what I want quietly lol . Also this gotta be a joke do you seriously think they would ever kill the top? Your excuse sounds literally absurd ,because even you know that wouldn't even happen. It's like you read these on purpose just so you can act pissed and have an excuse to be mad at a literal drawing lmfao... I suggest you private that list dude

i’ve read non romantic mangas before… it’s posssible. yes i’m gonna dislike people who romanticize gang rape and enjoy it. and then they even ignored and made humor out of it and they also had the guy who planned the rape not pay for his actions and the bf still is friends with him. yea if you enjoyed that ur weird asf and you tried being up placebo even tho i never finished it and dropped it bc that’s also weird too. if i was over here romanticizing rape and hating on rape at the same time then that would make me a hypocrite. Also i don’t read these on purpose? it popped up and i liked the artsyle so i decided to give it a try and hated it. You’re over here mad at me bc i’m not enjoying people romanticizing rape ..? just be quiet atp

are your eyes for decoration?? I'm not saying you should enjoy other people romanticising rape I'm saying you should mind your business especially on a website like this ,you can't be picky and choosy. You expecting it to be rainbows and sunshines or something?? Don't you read jinx aswell... You are quite literally one of them, and it's literally fine because most of them just read their stuff in peace. You don't. the problem is YOUR a hypocrite. You also didn't respond to anything I directly said and just moved away from it which proved I'm right. It's fine just delete the comment thread and we'll all forget and forgive +I'm not gonna be quiet until you are that's how a discussion works

firstly wdym leave them alone ? the comment section is FOR expressing opinions so if you dislike me having a different opinion then don’t reply to me. you and that other guy replied to me first. also i skipped all of the 18+ scenes in jinx so i don’t even know if that has rape or not so tell me what chapter plus i’m not a big fan of that manhwa. This entire comment sections expresses their opinion so i can express mine. i’m not gonna delete it bc i said romanticizing rape is wrong and that hurt your feelings so now what

Dude everyone on this site knows jinx has that in it.. there are barely any none 18+ chapters in that manhwa so what the fuck are you reading exactly??? also my feelings are not gonna be hurt by some random keyboard warrior on the internet that can't accept that they are the definition of a hypocrite. I also never said leave them alone lol it must be so insufferable being around you irl because you just pick out on existent words out of your ass and claiming I said it..

it isn’t tho.. i used to read the 18+ of that manga but i don’t like how it looks? and it’s ironic how you’re calling me a random keyboard warrior when you literally replied to me first .. like i said again i never once glorified, defended, or romanticized rape so how does that make me a hypocrite? Also when i said leave them alone i was referring to you saying “mind your own business” which an average person with a brain could comprehend… even though you replied first which didn’t make sense. i commented first, they replied, then you replied. so is that not minding my business? and yet you call me a hypocrite. if you were going to try to call me out on something at least be correct.
they just ignored the fact that he got brutally raped on film…? yea i understand why it has so many dislikes also this is unrealistic bc having sex after getting raped ? makes absolutely no sense