I think you should read it. Romeo and FL family was rival/enemy. But they fall in love with each other without every one know. But suddenly Romeo and her cousin, Juliet died at the same time. FL was pregnant at that time. After several years, Romeo and Juliet came back alive. They actually have faked their own died to run away together. Romeo is the main villain in this story.

Who ever said that dumb shit about our FL is projecting and yes. JUST FUCKING READ IT. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU JOIN THE "ROSIE IS A BADD BITCH CLUB" or "We're readers who lack maturity and comprehension skills club"
Honestly this is a story for adults not young teens with shit attention spans and no patience. A slow but gradually satisfying read. No a childrens book with pretty pictures and substance HMPH!!! (。-`へ´-。)
I saw few comments about the fl being dumb and weak
Is Romeo the ML?