This story is also like The Emperor's New Groove of how is Kuzo is this arrogant mean rule...

blue bird January 15, 2025 1:59 am

This story is also like The Emperor's New Groove of how is Kuzo is this arrogant mean ruler at the beginning of the story just like Seth and he has to go on his big redemption story in order to become a better person in the end just like Kuzo. Horus is kind of like Pacha in which his has to help Seth become a better person along the way like Pacha does with Kuzo. You can see how Seth is now slowly starting to change into a better person with each mission and the more time he sends with Horus. In the end Kuzco makes amends with the people in the beginning just like Seth has to make amends with the souls/people he killed/hurt.
