Play Ari. Come on u stupid head. Just be sincere this type . He is acting the garbage everytime. Honestly Ari is cute and energetic , she loves him and she forgave him. And say what !! If she was a lil hard like Na hae so . So u played the hard gurl and u hated the easy gurl bcz she is not hard!! . Seriously he is beyond redemption. He hates how Na hae so immerse in frugality yet he hate Ari for spending a lot. He is just weird . I just want him to apologize then get a happy ending with Ari without hurting her. The reason for me to want a happy ending for him is bcz he was there for lil Na hae so and at some point he was her army. I'm interested on when and how things changed. 3 - Na hae so's personality is not very well written .come on she is 33 why so naive. Her innocence and naive nature is just exaggerated , her body proportions r exaggerated, but i like her . 4 - the chairman , Taeha's dad is the hottest men among them all.

It is not a real relation. It is a maid master / mom son relation. Plus, Ari believes Mincheol. It is safer for her to believe sm1 she knows than a total stranger (Na hae so) plus from the start Ari didn't know anything. He was walking as a single man. Anyway ppl who don't lie r hard to believe that sm1 may lie. I don't lie , so i believe pol immediately bcz i don't understand the lying thing especially when it comes to things like that ( love, relationships ....etc)
I reread it and there is a lot to say. 1-The most complex character is Mincheol. There is so much going in his mind. He loves Na hae soo yet he hates her bcz he sees his failure , incompetence , shortcomings through her. He have never been the right one for her and he hates himself for this but blame her. I mean right !! It is easier to blame her than blaming himslef. Deep down he knows that he is the reason for her situation and when he sees that she is giving up everything for him (like no good clothes no good food no life no energy , only piled of extra work and debt, he knows) he hated himself even more and project that hate into her in a way where he treats her cruelly. He got hyped when she bought herself a flower, when she got angry with him and when she had the teddy bear. When she thinks of herself or shows emotions, he feels a lil bit better and a lil of his guilt is lifted. Na Hae soo reminds him of how WEAK. He knows he sucked life out of her. He still think of her often . I think they have been In a toxic relationship for too long that they need to set the other half free. 2- Mincheol is so lucky. 2 fine gurls loved him , Na hae so and Ari. Yet he doesn't really feel the grace he is in and is trying to