It isn’t complicated or complex guys, she’s literally selfish, she wants to have her c...

toastyBooksAndTea January 14, 2025 5:07 pm

It isn’t complicated or complex guys, she’s literally selfish, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. There is nothing complex about it, but there is relatability in profound selfishness that ppl sometimes indulge in even though they know it’s wrong and that it hurts others and has consequences. Leaving your dirty dishes in the sink and not cleaning them knowing your partner will clean them eventually is similar. You choose to do this because it’s easier this way and less work for you even though you know it’s a burden for your partner and they get tired too. It is such a small manifestation of such selfishness and cheating is similar. The cheater soaks up all the love, attention, and affection they can get while being a poor partner in return. They use ppl’s affection and feelings to fill themselves up. They just want and the cost is you. They will use you, they will use your body, your stability and your emotional investment and your time, time you could have used on someone who you could love as they would love you, to make themselves feel full and satisfied. The guilt and dread is worth getting that from you while also getting that from someone else. Because they want both even if you don’t want it or consent to being in a relationship with someone who is in a relationship with someone else.
