
But another title for this is still we meet again my king, meaning it’s not a complete goodbye. I think it might be a bittersweet ending. It’s possible for them to meet again in future. After all Rocky knew the Li in the earlier chapters. Maybe it’s a time loop. They meet as Li and Rocky, Rocky dies and Li transport to the past, meets the king, after everything they fall in love, King probably turns into stone during their encounter with Anubis, Li get’s sent back to his time after promising that they will meet again in future and the cycle repeats itself.
Well i mean going from the title 'See you, My King' and the 再见 is 'See you' but could also mean 'Goodbye' or 'Farewell' sooooo this is likely gonna have a sad end since Li is basically saying farewell to our Mimi :")) Not spoilers thought cuz I'm only guessing from the title :"))