Tip if you want to read what happens next - warning MTL

Kohaku January 14, 2025 3:00 am

Guys so i was impatient and want to know what’s next so after looking for an alternative title i searched 他未曾坠落 and a certain website named c****manga comes up. It’s the raw chapters tho but if you have safari the translate to english function works. Im not sure with android perhaps with google translate? Tho it could be a lot of work. But if you have an equivalent to the translate website maybe it will also work.

    urania January 26, 2025 12:20 pm

    you could do that with everything you read and gtfo of this site since you like MTL so much. you have no respect for ppl who translate!

    █ █ █ █ February 9, 2025 2:27 am
    you could do that with everything you read and gtfo of this site since you like MTL so much. you have no respect for ppl who translate! urania

    They were just sharing where to find the raws. No need to be rude, many people get impatient and rely on raws to get a sneak peak at what’s gonna happen next. Mtl is obviously nowhere near as good as a proper translation but it can give people a rough idea of what might happen next in the story. It doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate the work the translators put in or prefer nonsensical mtl. The op never even said anything negative about this transition or the people working on it so I’m not sure what your problem is. You can also gtfo of this site if you don’t know how to behave and touch some grass and learn some manners before coming back here

    █ █ █ █ February 9, 2025 2:28 am

    Thank you :)) pls ignore rude people I appreciate your help :))

    urania February 9, 2025 9:15 am
    They were just sharing where to find the raws. No need to be rude, many people get impatient and rely on raws to get a sneak peak at what’s gonna happen next. Mtl is obviously nowhere near as good as a proper... █ █ █ █

    if you read MTL in your own time, go do it. THat shit is for shit-tier people like you anyway.

    Kohaku February 9, 2025 10:37 am
    Thank you :)) pls ignore rude people I appreciate your help :)) █ █ █ █

    Thank you for the kind words! The previous reply is indeed rude but I chose to ignore it for my peace of mind. I’m sure a majority of the people on this site are here to have a good time and destress. So I hope we have just that. Again, thank you, and wishing you a good timezone(^ω^)

    Cute_KittenZ February 24, 2025 12:39 pm
    you could do that with everything you read and gtfo of this site since you like MTL so much. you have no respect for ppl who translate! urania

    Damn that is harsh, your on the same site my guy. You cant criticize people who are on the same boat lol. Transltors alsl use MTL and refine it