Yes i figured this ! Wish tho they were two different people like doppelgänger u know . I feel like or Min struggles always being the shadow of someone else or ever being good enough.and a goblin. Doesn’t help despite kind of having a stim situation and being lonely he doesn’t grasp the fullness of what it means to have his name be Min. Totally love that he finally understood they were different souls that have the share same face and the essence of smell of the soul. (Cologne of sorts) put the goblin still kind of makes me frustrated that in these chapters once he finally understood in away he still was not ready to accept fully the division of the two just yet he mentioned that knowing and I know it’s cause of his logging for what he wants had but is now more willing to accept( due to the memory) . I kinda wanted to shake him and be like boy just enjoy min. Lol
Of a copy that has his face to be a separate body cus nah minchan is so straight forward and direct and its kinda nice to finally see the stubborn fool realize he is a soul of its own still hes so hard headed that he struggles to want to except it that so cruel go out boy cus hes so darn manly and tough