Everyone's confused so look:

Aphrosia January 13, 2025 11:56 am

Recap: Bada wakes up in a game (barely remembers shit) and does all this gameplay. Doha joins early on after getting sus vibes from Bada and becomes lover and player companion (know that happened later but yada yada). Doha sabotages Bada a few times, and innocent beefy Hyung ends up accidently having his taped played, dies a few times with whiny playboy, etc etc (this segment was so short lived and not even worth mentioning tbh). Moving on...

(Time skipping alot here including finding Seungchans assumably first tape. See why I say first in a bit)

We EVENTUALLY find Yongtaeks tape after alotta shit, and so awakens that munch. (Even tho he was already awake and being a dumbass the entire time.) He explains Seungchan, Bada, ans him teamed up after awhile (which we'll get to why that's sus) and so was playing together and along the way Bada forgot basically because 1) undisputedly, he got bored and forgor those two fuckidiots and 2) the possible NOT ENTIRELY CONFIRMED until maybe ep 50 lol theory that they all have 2 tapes, and his gaps are due to one of his stopping at some point. (I'll explain the tapes and checkpoints at the end.) That being said, Bada and Doha give Yongtaek a chance to prove his use, thus like episodes 46-49 ish (?) (Cant remember when that munch joined the party).

NEOW, episode 49: They divulge a plan to investigate the Mine and eventually die at the Abandoned House per Yongtaeks ending 2 rev (ep 48-49). Prior to the game start, they walk and talk together about Badas past life so to speak. ALLEGEDLY, Seungchan told Yongtaek as he and Bada were playing together awhile, that Bada lost his memory from playing and dying so long (which btws, if you've seen Dead Man Switch, when something becomes too routine you do start to lose count especially after dying so many times and begin to move on autopilot. So, its PLAUSIBLE that happened but...), but tbh that's sus given we found a white tape similar to Yongtaeks, which can lead us to believe each player may have in fact 2 tapes.

But....how does that make sense? Great question. So Yongtaeks whole spiel is that he and Seungchan continued to play the maps until the mine. Then all of a sudden he dies like right before exploring the area, then has no memory. Well, MY THEORY (Just a theory, a DREADFUL NIGHT THEORY hehe hint hint. Um anyways....) is that Seungchan fucked with Yongtaeks 2nd tape at some point, so that's why he couldn't save the mine's data as its sorta weird we dunno how he died and why Seungchan didn't save it on his assumble second tape unless 1) he doesn't know where his is yet or 2) he died before he could dave it himself also. And since we don't probably intend to get Seungchans opinion anytime soon, those are the most likely IMO. A second theory is Doha is fucking around again cause he doesn't realize still that they may be all able to escape since he didn't hear Bada and Yongtaek convo earlier. I think the former is more plausible tho cause something is off, which I mentioned earlier Seungchan is sus af, cause its mildly convenient that he could explain to Yongtaek that Bada suddenly lost former memories unless (based if the 2nd tape theory is correct) he turned off Badas tape for some odd and I think frankly sinister reason cause if he could escape on his own, why not take his friends and COUSIN with him?????

How the tapes work:
Insert + play tape = Playable character (minimally)
Temporary stop and restart to tape = Saved Data (aka checkpoint)
No stop at some point = restart the "round" or map
Stopped tape altogether = NPC
If taped is stopped, but someone restarts it = memories recovered based on their own gameplay up until point it stopped
** with the Dual Tape theory, that gets complicated and convoluted because stopping one tape, but having the other run may imply just missing a saved location, no memory loss since the other is still in play(?) Basically = unsure waters atm

I hope this helps everyone cause I got a few questions on my last comment and realized like 90% of readers may be in the same boat.

    Powrkcutletbowl January 13, 2025 12:33 pm


    Aphrosia January 13, 2025 1:36 pm

    Yk a final theory I didn't think of is that (still assuming they all in fact do have 2 tapes and the new white one isnt just a simple decoy/gimmick) is that Seungchan was in fact able to save his mine data, and just made his 2nd tape LOOK like Yongtaeks to throw them all off as a precautionary measure. Why? Well, hypothetically, if he goes ba k to being a playable character from that tape, it would also mean he'd regain his memories of the mine and whatever he could find out during his time there. With that logic tho, it could also mean the Yongtaek gains memories he may have never realized he lost to begin with. Or for all we know it could be whiny playboys tape and just LOOK like a decoy....

    ...Or better yet, it's Bada's lost memories that were purposely hidden there to look like Yongtaeks for again, a sinister reason since theres really no reason to do that unless he knew something he shouldn't have, or to stop him from finishing.

    There's many possibilities I didn't think to disclose in the initial post to avoid confusion, but these are just some more possibilities I could think of because there IS something weird going on here I just can't pinpoint yet so early (and yea this is still early imo since theres too many unsolved plotholes atm to say late. Maybe halfway at best) through the series, and Im usually pretty good at this cause all my freetime is like...reading. cause Im a nerd. Heh. So yea.

    Aphrosia January 13, 2025 1:40 pm
    TYSM FOR THIS I NEEDED IT Powrkcutletbowl

    Im happy I could possibly help. Its probably not as detailed as others, but I was not about to reread 40something longass eps to write it all out again. This is the time when having an amazing ass series with actual plot and content and long eps is a pain cause you have to like mentally note a summary of each ep without fail to be able to explain in such a long explanation like this to answer questions. I just got lucky I have a pretty detailed memory for the most small things *then forgets or no longer cares about bigger picture lmao*

    Aphrosia January 13, 2025 1:44 pm
    TYSM FOR THIS I NEEDED IT Powrkcutletbowl

    Its also great they have like actual conversation during sex too cause it may sound weird but it does help also, unrelated to story itself, but I think that all couples should be able to be intimate and talk like that as it shows open communication and trust imo. I think its hard to be able to do conscious kissing or convos during sex cause of the stigma around it, but it is indeed hotter (imo) and actually helps with the plot (again imo) cause they recap alot while talking if people noticed that over the obvi visuals

    randomm January 13, 2025 4:23 pm

    wait so each player has their own cassette tapes and if they insert+play it yada yada but what if another person does it as in they inserted someone else's tape?? i first understood it as the tape getting overwritten and the other player loses their memories but it seems i understood it wrongly also love ur recap it solved some of my confusions THANK U

    suckerforbl January 13, 2025 6:16 pm

    Omfg thank you so much for explaining the tape because I was so confused. Also seeingchan does know something as if I remember correctly he messed up his dialogue after which doha kills him or something so it might be true that they played together but why hide and act like a npc now , so he have his

    suckerforbl January 13, 2025 6:24 pm
    Omfg thank you so much for explaining the tape because I was so confused. Also seeingchan does know something as if I remember correctly he messed up his dialogue after which doha kills him or something so it m... suckerforbl

    So he had his memory but now doesn't as his tape with check mark is removed so if it's inserted again he gets his memory??
    Also there had to someone backstabbing idk I feel it. And now as youngtek said that according to seungchan npc can also leave ? So does that mean all player have a chance to get out so they might all be real because how do we know nada is the main character, that's what everyone should feel when they regain consciousness and only bada think they all are npc. Wait I might need to read some chaps agian now . This plot is so much intriguing to read.

    Acacia January 13, 2025 9:32 pm

    Reply to this so i can find this comment again

    Talina January 13, 2025 11:27 pm
    Reply to this so i can find this comment again Acacia

    Same mate…same…

    Aphrosia January 13, 2025 11:49 pm
    wait so each player has their own cassette tapes and if they insert+play it yada yada but what if another person does it as in they inserted someone else's tape?? i first understood it as the tape getting overw... randomm

    To my memory (and again I haven't looked back at all so it could be an overwrite) but its not an a thing of overwriting but whose tape is in play. And anyone can save the checkpoint so long as it's saved and youll have your memory if the tape is in play. Thats why at the beginning when Bada discovers an item after a "minigame" he saves it before he has to redo the game, but if he dies the ending is already saved in the book cause you have to die to achieve the endings. Now, as for why the second ending wasn't saved may be because of the overwrite theory you propose by putting your tape into someone else's cassette player if thats what you meant. Cause everyone has their own thus far (except it seems whiny playboi but we also haven't seen his tape either to my memory so)

    Aphrosia January 13, 2025 11:57 pm
    Omfg thank you so much for explaining the tape because I was so confused. Also seeingchan does know something as if I remember correctly he messed up his dialogue after which doha kills him or something so it m... suckerforbl

    Seungchan doesn't have his tape. Bada does. That's the one they checked for so currently he is an NPC cause even if that second tape is his mayhaps perchance, it's not inserted rn so he'll have no memory of the tape to begin with till it is.

    Tho the more I think the more Im wondering if Dual Tape Theory exists or if we're all overcomplicating this cause what if the white decoy tape was actually Whiny Boi's? Since my final thought on Badas memory loss may not be due to havkng a second tape at all, but to Seungchan (or and hopefully not but can't rule out Doha atm sighhhhhh) taking it out. So his spotty memory may be from something else entirely.

    I like Dual Tape Theory (DTT) but...knowing the stories current style and reading some of the authors other work it seems like an extra step now the more we discuss. And im like 45% away from throwing it out because the only things anyone has had to go on to make that assessment is the fact of Badas gap memory and Yongtaek saying that Seungchan was responsible for saving the data of the mine. But Seungchan nor Yongtaek are responsible narrators tbh. But im keeping DTT alive cause it has some merit to it and is a possibility, regardless of how likely it is or not

    Aphrosia January 14, 2025 12:01 am
    So he had his memory but now doesn't as his tape with check mark is removed so if it's inserted again he gets his memory?? Also there had to someone backstabbing idk I feel it. And now as youngtek said that acc... suckerforbl

    If Seungchans is reinserted yes then he will regain memory. DTT only complicates this only because if it IS in fact UNCONDITIONALLY TRUE it exists, then the memory he may have may be from a gap time separate to what he remembers most currently. But the entirety of DTT is based on symbolicly logical biconditionals (if you studied coding or philosophy you'll know what I mean) so rn its still a F till proven T

    suckerforbl January 19, 2025 5:57 pm
    If Seungchans is reinserted yes then he will regain memory. DTT only complicates this only because if it IS in fact UNCONDITIONALLY TRUE it exists, then the memory he may have may be from a gap time separate to... Aphrosia

    Now youngtaek is having a nosebleed which is interfering with the dialogue of game so I think he have his memories but why did that happen ? Because all the I injuries are gone when game starts so it's plausible that someone did something to the tape? (Doha did talk about destroying and stuff).
    And dogs doesn't remember things so you can't save too much one run or something? Is the game lagging .

    suckerforbl January 19, 2025 6:03 pm
    If Seungchans is reinserted yes then he will regain memory. DTT only complicates this only because if it IS in fact UNCONDITIONALLY TRUE it exists, then the memory he may have may be from a gap time separate to... Aphrosia

    The tape is different coloured so I think it might be seungchan's as they are contemplating.
    And regarding the starting of the game
    -I feel like it was a project or something they did together and now they all are stuck or something.
    Because they are not random players glasses guy and bada are cousin and others are from his friend circle and not bada's I think?
    -Bada is developer. And he was the first (?) To gain consciousness and other joins and become npc as the game go.
    -maybe bada and his cousin both are developers?
    -Doha is developer ?(maybe not) because why is he talking about the data getting destroyed ? He knows something that's for sure from previous runs.
    -how much time had passed? Does it affects their real world?
    Just so much info. The cassette tapes are so important to everything.

    Aphrosia January 21, 2025 8:48 am
    The tape is different coloured so I think it might be seungchan's as they are contemplating.And regarding the starting of the game -I feel like it was a project or something they did together and now they all a... suckerforbl

    Literally like all of what you said I dont agree with like at all. but okay go off I suppose. This is just an explanation post of the current events not a theories channel. I only said mine cause itd phonetically make sense for those who are confused or who thought something else so....

    Aphrosia January 21, 2025 8:49 am
    Literally like all of what you said I dont agree with like at all. but okay go off I suppose. This is just an explanation post of the current events not a theories channel. I only said mine cause itd phonetica... Aphrosia

    Plus its my cmt so....yea

    Aphrosia January 21, 2025 8:53 am

    Anywho i hope this helps those who are confuzzled, but please no more replies unless theyre questions I can explain through and not jumping too many guns. Otherwise, start a new topic string cause im getting notifs. Have a good day