Ughh such a easy manga to predict ofc he’s a “play boy type” and he acts like THAT to the person he loves I’ve seen ALOT of mangas EXACTLY like this and I hated all of them I had to brace thru this dumb manga because I’ll think about it and want to finish it later on like I always do and I’ll keep thinking about it and it’s just annoying anyway this is stupid like there’s no story to this it’s just that and I hate that the fl talks in third person… like it’s just plain out annoying and anyone would agree with me sorry for ranting in the comments no one is prob gonna see this but it’s just all dumb like Arthur DO NOT write anymore mangas xoxo^^
Ughh such a easy manga to predict ofc he’s a “play boy type” and he acts like THAT to the person he loves I’ve seen ALOT of mangas EXACTLY like this and I hated all of them I had to brace thru this dumb manga because I’ll think about it and want to finish it later on like I always do and I’ll keep thinking about it and it’s just annoying anyway this is stupid like there’s no story to this it’s just that and I hate that the fl talks in third person… like it’s just plain out annoying and anyone would agree with me sorry for ranting in the comments no one is prob gonna see this but it’s just all dumb like Arthur DO NOT write anymore mangas xoxo^^