You’re eating Byul up because he’s cute but so far his personality has given wet sock :( come on Fargo I believe in you, you can’t create Love is an Illusion and not deliver on this
hes still a highschooler we gotta wait for him to get past his phases first pls he probably didnt even grow his mustache yet zhongli enthusiast
Okay but like every other high schooler on screen is bearable don’t tell me Fargo can’t create a likable teen I would rather follow our ML around (who is ALSO the same age) but I feel you
Okay but like every other high schooler on screen is bearable don’t tell me Fargo can’t create a likable teen I would rather follow our ML around (who is ALSO the same age) but I feel you Danieka
we barely saw anyone else but byul i literally dont even know gangster guys personality nor soyis, all i know is gangster guy is quiet and soyi is smart give things a chance its only 10 chaps so far bro omg
we barely saw anyone else but byul i literally dont even know gangster guys personality nor soyis, all i know is gangster guy is quiet and soyi is smart give things a chance its only 10 chaps so far bro omg zhongli enthusiast
You’re eating Byul up because he’s cute but so far his personality has given wet sock :( come on Fargo I believe in you, you can’t create Love is an Illusion and not deliver on this