Go to Novel Updates site, make an account (most important step) and search for the name of the novel (the same of the manhwa). Then, the novel will appear and you can click on the links that will direct you to the scan website that translates.
Go to Novel Updates site, make an account (most important step) and search for the name of the novel (the same of the manhwa).Then, the novel will appear and you can click on the links that will direct you to t... Lina_9von12
ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Where will our honeymoon be? Lina_9von12
In an underwater hotel resort all inclusive plus a yacht that takes us to our very own private island with a ton of tesla cyber trucks to drive around on and a whole waterpark
In an underwater hotel resort all inclusive plus a yacht that takes us to our very own private island with a ton of tesla cyber trucks to drive around on and a whole waterpark bookie
Do any of yall know where I can read the novelllll??? Plzzzz