Ur stupidity beseeches me, it was never consensual Dan was coerced into everything with money being shoved at his face, the contract, and his dying grandma. He hated literally everything that was done to him, said no many times and was ignored every time. Saying "yes" because you are FORCED to say yes isnot consent, it's coercion and rape. JK is not chill at all??? He literally blindfolded Kim to fuck him in front of the other guy to quite literally "claim him" reading so much rape is frying ur brain buddy

Calling their sexual relationship “consensual” is a stretch. This all started because of money. Dan needed to pay back his debt. There is a clear power imbalance between then. Not to mention that JK is his employer at work and in the home. Their relationship is far from consensual but it’s debatable bc Dan is clearly “in love” with JK unfortunately.

Listen, have your controversial opinions, but check what other shit I’ve read, this (in terms of consent) is way fúcking better. Have you’re opinions, but fact check so you don’t look like a fúcking idiot. Also, sorry if I’m coming off as ‘bitchy’ or ‘rude’, we all have opinions and ideas so its only very rarely that they match.
Ps, try not using ‘beseech’ on an illegal manga/manhwa websites, it just sounds weird.
The fact that JK is actually chill compared to a majority of BL tops but the fandom is hating on him cause is actions aren’t traumatizing enough to leave you being like “…well that happened.” Don’t get me wrong, he’s still an ass, but note how there was no rape, all scenes with Dan were CONSENSUAL