Tbh I very knew his first arguments for Dan to come back working for him were gonna be about money and paying back the debt Dan owes him ; he couldn't imagine the guy's gonna refuse that bait, but here... Actually Dan's situation and mental state are A LOT worse than he could imagine: he'll need to show Dan that this latter needs him, and not for the reasons he believes. He'll need to grow some heart. Go Dan, I'm with you
Tbh I very knew his first arguments for Dan to come back working for him were gonna be about money and paying back the debt Dan owes him ; he couldn't imagine the guy's gonna refuse that bait, but here...
Actually Dan's situation and mental state are A LOT worse than he could imagine: he'll need to show Dan that this latter needs him, and not for the reasons he believes. He'll need to grow some heart.
Go Dan, I'm with you