finally someone pointed it out like hear me out why cant female leads in manhwas have small or average sized breasts like ik the build this fl has is possible some women have it but they also have some fat on their entire body like its almost ridiculous how female lead looks and ik shes going through shit but her constant personality is just annoying like girl please either u reject that man or confess her as an overall character is just boring like even that girl we saw in previous chapters has more personality than her (btw this is just my opinion whoever liked the manhwa enjoy it dont take it seriously lol)

I thought it was refreshing to finally have a female lead be the prettiest female with the best body cuz usually it's the side characters that I find get the most love and attention to their bodies. I also don't want her to be like everyone else. I want her to be above average. I want to escape into this fake reality and see something amazing and above average and different. So I like it alot but that's just my opinion that I wanted to express.

It was about time I saw a comment like this. It really does make it harder to fully enjoy and appreciate the story for what it is when they portray the FL like this. I (guess) it would be understandable if the manhwa was a smut cuz the characters tend to have intentionally seductive body types in order to sexually appeal to readers or wtv. But, in this case, I really feel that the portrayl of the FL doesn't match the complexity and depth of the story. She's overly sexualized in my opinion, and as someone has pointed out, no one else has as exaggerated body proportions as the FL does. Now I'm kinda curious about the reason behind the decision to have designed the FL this way... I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of message or purpose in her character design that I'm not picking up.

Yeah but not everyone wants to self insert and not everyone wants to self insert as a short skinny girl with huge knockers and self esteem issues. "Above Average" miss ma'am most women with that size have some chub on the arms and tum to balance it out and if they don't they usually diet it is very rare that this is natural and it is unbelievable. There's a D cup then there's a J Cup over here this is so out of the realm of possibility that it pulls me out of the story every full body shot where she isn't standing upright because they look so hefty I can't imagine the backpain. Haesoo is her own character and her design does not reflect this aspect of her, it doesn't reflect her poverty, it does not reflect her drained overworked self that gets up early and sleeps late.

Then there was also sex exercise which although was a smut had a decent variety of body types that weren't just the same skinny body type with different heights and boobs although most girls were thin they were all people who worked out . There was a short girl with small tits and ass (not childlike), a girl that was more muscular with defined abs and beefy arms, thin pilates lady with hourglass figure, a short chubby girl with fat tits and some other girls that were more samey but they also didn't hold back with the guys like there's a tall chubby guy and a lanky short nerd outside of the six pack tall bodybuilder guys.

It's "appeal">"storytelling through character design" they could have her look tired, dirty and haggard to portray her poverty and the toll it's taken on her but they're scared you'll think "ew ugly" instead they make her look like the most unrealistic super model/porn actress to make you care instead of relying on the writing because they can't put her nice clothes cause she's poor but they don't want you to think she's ugly and not care about her. It's an insecurity of the creator either that or the more cynical response that they just wanted to attract men to a josei story to get more money and attention by making her attractive by giving her huge tits.

exactly there should be a variety cuz most smut/josei manhwas have females with ridiculously big breasts which end up looking like watermelons and even if they want to draw someone with huge watermelons they should atleast add some fat on the arms or either stomach like as someone with a mother who has a d cup shes a fitness trainer and even she has fat on her arms to balance it out (im a girl btw) and same goes for men men but once again its just a fictional manhwa abit too ridiculous but a fiction at the end of the day

I’m sorry but read manhwas like stupidemic ect- so I’m confused on how it’ truly pains you when you read story’s with art designs that’s worse. I’m saying that, you’re allowed to feel a way about an authors art choice fr but you can’t dismiss the fact that they’re all exaggerated, though does it matter ? No because they don’t represent anyone irl no matter how deep this story seems to a lot of people
I'm sorry for beating a dead horse I wanna like this one 100% with my all so bad I like both the ML and FL and like the eerie morally gray energy the ML is giving off and the FL being this insecure low confidence person who needs some TLC is something I want to see but the FL's proportions are extremely off-putting I know it's a smut but Jesus Christ whenever they do a full body shot of her bending over (which is more than once in the last 5 Chs)I expect her topple under the weight of her breasts against her tiny frail frame + having her be so short doesn't help. (If I hear a single "she was raised poor so she's gonna be skinny and some fat remains on the boobs" I'm gonna shoot myself because the other side characters have the exact same body type but with smaller tits)
At least put her in baggy clothes watching her pains me.
She legit reminds me of this.