I'm not sure she's homophobic, I think she genuinely doesn't believe Jaehyuk has actually changed and became an upright person so she doesn't believe it could be anything else than a fling, a game, or him using Garam for whatever he needs from him (remember that Jaehyuk used to be an asshole before his long and very good redeeming arc)

completely agree but personally the way she worded some things rubbed me the wrong way like saying he probably hit his head (yes, maybe she meant it as a joke cuz they're close but if i was told that after coming out/being caught id be very offended) or saying it's weird seeing them together and to "get a grip" lol as a lesbian myself those phrases felt like they had homophobic undertones to me (but again that's just my opinion ^^) but i appreciate your comment! /nm

Yeah I see what you mean; though she partly says things because she knows him, it also felt very hurtful to me, especially as they are childhood friends and the first thing she does is distrust his sincerity - and as you said, even if she may have said those things because it's him, it seemed quite homophobic to me too ; I just chose to think that maybe she was just uneducated and not an asshole (her reaction when he put her back in her place made me think that she may still be redeemed as a friend tho she was never really such a good friend to begin with)
wow shinjoo i wasn't expecting the hint of homophobia in your tone