bum seemed to enjoy it but i believe he was faking it for self preservation. the apples were extremely under in ripeness, so they were really sour (hence the bright red color of them as sangwoo points out).
also, apples are a symbol of apology in korea, so that could mean smthn.
apple -> hangul = 사과; hanja = 沙果 (pronounced as: sa-gwa)
apology -> hangul = 사과 hanja = 謝過 (pronounced as: sa-gwa)

really?? really noone who replied mentioned it?? the couple freaked out cuz one apple in the bag was bitten. You don't offer smth you already bit, lol.
Also the "no sane person would have" comment... I have a theory about that. Her mother ran over a guy with the car and the guy died. Then Sangwoo buried the guy in the woods. Then on the way back, they bought apples and her mom was strangely happy like she hadn't just killed a person.

Actually I think they killed Sangwoo's dad and buried him in the woods together. Sangwoo said Bum was stepping on his dad when they were in the woods. Sangwoo said his dad was lying down in the back so maybe he was bc he was dead lol
And no the couple bit into the able bc it said 'crunch' and they puckered their lips after biting into it so the apple must've been bitter or just plain nasty.

I'm totall wrong about the apple lolololol. that's how I interpreted it the first time I saw it. I should check twice before writing.
I considered that the guy may be his dad but didn't they hint at a break-and-enter and double homicide in ch. 2? Like, Sangwoo's parents were found murdered at his home. Maybe Sangwoo buried his dad there afterwards. That's why I thought the guy he hit wasn't his dad.
What's the deal with those Apples? They can't be poisoned because Sangwoo ate them and Bum watched him buy them from the truck, but then why did that couple freak out when he offered them some?