I read this again

Nananananananananana January 12, 2025 5:21 am

I cried more than the last time I read this. Mishima is right, no choice is right or wrong. Kirino's eyes became darker again when they ran away from home. His all is his mother, and the same for his mother. I think that if they really reached Tokyo and lived there and with no contact with his mother. I think he will also take his life just like Mishima's drag friend. They were free but if they are alone, it's still lonely path. I'm just glad that Kirino is happy now and his eyes did not became dark.

His pandora box never been opened again but he is happy with his two children, wife, healthy mother and father. And I always want to believe that his wife knows he is gay but still accepts him, he deserves so much happines. For all those Kirinos in the world, we will always rooting for you. And to those mishimas out there we are also rooting for you. Live the life you chose, I wish for all of your happiness.

    YvonMarie January 15, 2025 4:24 am

    I think I cried et this comment as much as I did with the actual manga.

    Nananananananananana January 15, 2025 11:05 am
    I think I cried et this comment as much as I did with the actual manga. YvonMarie

    aww thank you, this is the first time I received such compliment. I had a bad day today, so you just made me a little bit happy.

    RenRen January 20, 2025 5:13 am

    The last part of your comment made me cry. Haven't read something this thoughtful in a while in these comment threads.

    YvonMarie January 25, 2025 11:55 am
    aww thank you, this is the first time I received such compliment. I had a bad day today, so you just made me a little bit happy. Nananananananananana

    I hope you have many more good days!<3

    Miaxxx March 15, 2025 11:38 pm

    Bro what the f I cried reading this.