As soon as I saw him handcuffed, I dropped that shxt. I read enough of those to know where it’ll end. Just once, I want someone to write a story where the victim kicks the shxt out of and tortures the abuser, whether physically or emotionally, I don’t care. I want the abuser to suffer so throughly that I will feel the catharsis the victim feels through that. I wish authors started doing that instead of this shxt where the victim is nothing but a victim until the end.
As soon as I saw him handcuffed, I dropped that shxt. I read enough of those to know where it’ll end. Just once, I want someone to write a story where the victim kicks the shxt out of and tortures the abuser, whether physically or emotionally, I don’t care. I want the abuser to suffer so throughly that I will feel the catharsis the victim feels through that. I wish authors started doing that instead of this shxt where the victim is nothing but a victim until the end.