Not my greatest fear being represented

Ari January 12, 2025 3:17 pm

I’m not experienced, I’m in my mid 20s and I’m genuinely so scared of this exact situation happening. I just don’t believe in being intimate unless it’s an actual relationship.

    patrick star January 12, 2025 4:18 am

    Sameeee. Like sometimes I feel ashamed to say I have zero experience in everything :(

    Elihinata January 12, 2025 5:38 am

    Fr - like why is it so bad to want to have some sort of connection before doing the deed?

    And here, the way Andrew was actually worried sick about his sexual inexperience and Nathan dismissed him like he was a dumb bitch because of it? Nah man, I’d be throwing hands

    Ari January 12, 2025 3:16 pm
    Fr - like why is it so bad to want to have some sort of connection before doing the deed?And here, the way Andrew was actually worried sick about his sexual inexperience and Nathan dismissed him like he was a d... Elihinata

    I experience anxiety because I don’t want to be seen as childish and I end up lying like I AM ANDREW AND HE IS ME, WE ARE ONE. Except he gay and I’m lesbian lolll

    Ari January 12, 2025 7:26 pm

    But seriously, to the people who are experienced, don’t this to people who are inexperienced. Just communicate the fact you want someone on your level or you want a casual relationship,simple as that. People shouldn’t have to feel ashamed about their inexperience, sometimes things don’t happen and that’s okay but you being a dick about it and pressuring people makes it worse.